Courses & Conferences
Find below all information and resources on the LED courses, conferences (and other events) of the current and past years. Use the 'Search box' to find the event you are interested in and click on its title. Please feel free to comment on the Blog of the event.
9th Mesopartner Summer Academy on Mesopartner cordially invites you to their 9th Summer Academy in Berlin (see below: "announcement video of 2012") that will be held from 1 to 5 July 2013. After holding the Academy for seven years in Duisburg (2005-2011), it was decided last year to move the event to Berlin, a city at the heart of continental Europe. For Mesopartner, Berlin is an especially exciting city, because it can be seen as a laboratory of complex economic and social polarities and provides a wide range of experiences of how to manage and overcome these polarities. Number of comments: 0
Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy: an opportunity to enhance youth employment We are pleased to announce that the International Training Centre of the ILO, based in Turin, is organising jointly with the REMESS, the EESC, the CIRIEC and the Recma the third edition of the: “Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy: an opportunity to enhance youth employment" from 08 to 12 April 2013 Venue: Agadir (MOROCCO) DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATIONS: 01 March 2013 Number of comments: 0
Green Jobs Learning Forum: Local Strategies and Actions Green Jobs and the promotion of the Green Economy have become the key drivers for achieving an economic and social development that is also sustainable. Green Jobs can be created in all sectors and types of enterprises, in urban and rural areas, in all countries at all levels of economic development. At the same time, greening the economy can generate consistent and positive outcomes for increased wealth, growth in economic output, decent employment and reduced poverty. Achieving this double dividend, in terms of both environmental and social goals, requires the commitment of policy makers and the active support of enterprises, entrepreneurs and workers. If on the one hand, a coherent mix of policy responses is needed at the national level, local implementation strategies are equally important in the promotion of a wide range of innovative solutions and job opportunities. Given the growing demand for support to address the effects of climate change, local development strategies are more and more incorporating the green jobs dimension. Policy makers and local practitioners need therefore to make the appropriate links and seek synergies for better results. At its 2nd edition, this interagency Learning Forum will propose a special focus on how to promote private sector development and contributions to green growth and environmental sustainability, through the analysis of case studies and initiatives that enhance local development while responding to the demand for new markets, new products and new production methods. Number of comments: 1
The contribution of cooperatives to the sustainable development of local economic circuit – premises, possibilities, outlook the Institute for Regional Development and Location Management of the European Academy of Bozen/Bolzano (EURAC) is organising on behalf of the South Tyrolean Raiffeisen federation a scientific conference, which aims to discuss the relationship between cooperatives, sustainable entrepreneurship and local and regional development. The Institute for Italian law at the University of Innsbruck, the European Research Institute on Cooperative and Social Enterprises Trento (EURICSE) and the Free University of Bozen/Bolzano support this conference as scientific partners. Number of comments: 0
Training offer: ITCILO Number of comments: 0
Efficient local development strategies: Exchange of experiences Latin America and OECD The Andean Development Corporation (CAF), full member of the LEED Directing Committee, and the OECD LEED Programme jointly organised a conference in Bogota in September 2008 hosted by the National Ministry of Planning (DNP) of Colombia. This event sought to stimulate the exchange of good practices in defining and implementing economic development strategies at the local level. In addition, the event contributed to the policy dialogue between the OECD and Latin America, by providing a platform to discuss and identify relevant policy making approaches in order to achieve self-sustaining local development strategies. This report presents a summary of the presentations, discussions and working sessions that took place during the conference and the capacity building seminar. It has been prepared by the OECD Secretariat in collaboration with the CAF.
2008 Number of comments: 0
2008 Number of comments: 0
Decentralization and Local Development in Jordan Report of a regional workshop held in Amman and organized by AS Amman, Visions Center For Strategic and Development Studies, to analyze decentralization and local development in Jordan.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Políticas de Desarrollo Local e Innovación A complete review of the economic development politics to be implemented by a mid-sized town and how to involve the relevant local stakeholders in the process.
13/01/2012 Number of comments: 0
13/01/2012 Number of comments: 0
LOS ACTORES Y GOBIERNOS LOCALES ANTE LOS PROCESOS DE GLOBALIZACIÓN Y UNIVERSALIZACIÓN la experiencia de Villa El Salvador, Peru. Una de las sorpresas del siglo XXI es la importancia creciente de lo local más allá de los procesos de globalización y de universalización que se siguen produciendo. Resaltan los roles de nuevos actores locales y la relación entre los gobiernos locales, otras instancias de gobierno y el sector privado, teniendo a la concertación como base de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo equitativo.
diciembre 2011 Number of comments: 0
diciembre 2011 Number of comments: 0
Conclusions sur les compétences en vue de stimuler la productivité, la croissance de l’emploi et le développement Conférence internationale du Travail, 2008 Investir dans l’éducation et les compétences pour les femmes et les hommes afin d’aider les économies à parvenir à une croissance dynamique tournée vers des emplois de qualité constitue une priorité pressante partout dans le monde. Lors de la Conférence internationale du Travail de 2008, les mandants tripartites de l’OIT (gouvernements, employeurs et travailleurs) ont adopté une série de conclusions uniquement centrées sur ce problème. Elles fournissent des directives pratiques en vue de renforcer l’éducation, la formation professionnelle et la formation tout au long de la vie, qui constituent les piliers essentiels de l’employabilité des travailleurs et du développement durable des entreprises dans le cadre de l’Agenda du travail décent. Les conclusions soulignent à quel point le développement des compétences peut être un puissant instrument pour faire reculer la pauvreté et l’exclusion, et améliorer la compétitivité et l’employabilité.
2008 Number of comments: 0
2008 Number of comments: 0
Proceedings of the Workshop: State of the Art of Local Governance - Challenges for the Next Decade The proceedings are the result of a workshop held in Visby, Sweden, 29-30 April 2010 which succeeded in gathering some of the most distinguished scholars and policymakers in the field of local governance to discuss the State of the Art of Local Governance – Challenges for the Next Decade. The purpose of the workshop was twofold: firstly, it was designed to sum up findings and insights gained in recent decades through experiments with local democracy, and secondly, it aimed to consider what the key challenges and crucial policy issues will be in the coming decade. In the on-going process of establishing the ICLD, our ambition has been to provide a forum in which the gap between research, policy and practical experiences from the field may be addressed. This workshop is therefore intended to be the first of a series and the next international event (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) is planned for the spring of 2011. The full papers from the workshop are published in the ICLD working paper series and can be downloaded from the ICLD web site.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Exportación, calidad y competitividad territorial: El rol de los consorcios de PYMEs Fecha y Lugar: del 04 al 08 de julio de 2011: formación presencial en el Centro Internacional de Formación de la OIT en Turín, Italia El objetivo del presente curso consiste en transferir a los participantes los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para que puedan ejercer como articuladores de consorcios de PyMEs. Éstos se subdividen en: • Los Consorcios de Exportación, son alianzas voluntarias de empresas cuyo objetivo consiste en promover los bienes y servicios de sus miembros en el extranjero y de facilitar la exportación de sus productos y/o servicios mediante acciones conjuntas. • Los Consorcios de Calidad (o consejos reguladores) representan agrupaciones de productores involucrados en la producción de un mismo producto agroalimentario o artesanal típico; el objetivo de la alianza consiste en potenciar la valorización colectiva y la comercialización de dicho bien tradicional con fuerte vínculo territorial. Para más información, véase: Number of comments: 0
Green Jobs Learning Forum: Local Strategies and Actions Offered in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese This interagency learning forum is a highly interactive programme designed to support key actors in shaping complementary green jobs strategies at the local, regional and national level. Participants will get to know a range of existing local level best practices and tools and will engage with top-level resource persons. The forum has a strong focus on tailoring lessons learnt to the actual work situations of participants. Number of comments: 1
Enterprise Development through Value Chains and Business Service Markets: A Market Development approach to Pro-Poor Growth ITC ILO's On line course helps you ramp-up your enterprise development program using practical tools for developing value chains and business service markets. The material is based on experience from effective small enterprise development programs that have reached thousands of enterprises, helping them to grow and create jobs and improve livelihoods. Number of comments: 0
Curso de Desarrollo de la empresa a través de las cadenas de valor y los mercados de servicios empresariales Number of comments: 0
Learning chemistry & Participatory facilitation, social strategies courses Training of Trainers The ITC ILO is launching the two following events:
13/08/2010 Number of comments: 0
13/08/2010 Number of comments: 0
Exportación, calidad y competitividad territorial: El rol de los consorcios de PYMEs El presente curso semipresencial - organizado por la Organización de Naciones Unidas para el Desarrollo Industrial (ONUDI), la Federación Italiana de Consorcios de Exportación (Federexport) y la Organización Internacional del Trabajo (OIT) - persigue dos objetivos: 1. Transferir a los participantes los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para que puedan ejercer como articuladores de consorcios de PYMEs. 2. Formar a formadores con capacidad para impartir cursos presenciales u on-line de introducción a los consorcios. Number of comments: 0
Local strategies for greening jobs and skills 9-11 June 2010, Trento, Italy A capacity building seminar for those involved in designing and putting in place local strategies to respond to the climate change challenges Number of comments: 0
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
April 2010 Number of comments: 0
April 2010 Number of comments: 0
Sixth International Summer Academy on Local Economic Development 2010 mesopartner Summer Academy 2010 You are a practitioner in local or regional economic development. You work in or with a government, a development agency, a business association, a NGO or donor agency, and your task is to promote economic development and local innovation systems at the level of local or regional territories. If you feel that this describes your situation, you should consider to participate in the Summer Academy on LED that will be organized by mesopartner from 26th to 30th July in Duisburg, Germany.
15.03.2010 Number of comments: 1
15.03.2010 Number of comments: 1