Enterprise culture
Consolidated Local Government Tourism Intervention, Support and Capacitation Programme The National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) of South Africa recognises Local Government as a key partner/stakeholder in growing tourism and achieving its outcomes. There is also an acknowledgement that in its current form, Local Government is far from being able to carry the required functions related to tourism development and management. It is in light of the above realities and capacity limitations at the Local Government sphere that a need arose to develop a Local Government Tourism Development and Growth Support Programme, led by the National Department of Tourism (NDT), with support from other partners.
2013 Number of comments: 0
2013 Number of comments: 0
Économie sociale et solidaire: notre chemin commun vers le travail décent « Économie sociale et solidaire: notre chemin commun vers le travail décent ». Document de référence pour la deuxième édition de l’Académie sur l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire, 24-28 octobre 2011, Montréal, Canada Le document rassemble une série d'articles pour aider à construire une compréhension commune du concept de solidarité de l'économie sociale (ESS), plus particulièrement en matière de gouvernance et gestion , politiques et réseaux dans et pour les organisations de l'ESS. Il inclut également des informations générales sur l'OIT et l'initiative d'économie sociale et solidaire, et des articles sur la relation entre l'ESS et l'économie informelle, l'économie verte, le développement local et les modalités de financement de l'ESS.
24 Octobre 2011 Number of comments: 0
24 Octobre 2011 Number of comments: 0
La sécurité et la santé dans l'agriculture. Recueil de directives pratiques Le présent recueil de directives pratiques vise à faire mieux connaître les dangers et risques liés à l'agriculture ainsi que les moyens de les gérer et de les maîtriser efficacement; à prévenir les accidents du travail et les maladies professionnelles et à améliorer concrètement le milieu de travail; à encourager les gouvernements, les employeurs, les travailleurs et les autres parties prenantes à coopérer dans le domaine de la prévention des accidents et des maladies; et à faire évoluer positivement, dans l'ensemble du secteur, les mentalités et les comportements au sujet de la sécurité et de la santé dans l'agriculture.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
L'économie sociale au Maghreb La situation au Maroc et en Tunisie Au Maghreb, Économie Sociale rime avec développement local, création d’emploi, créateurs d’entreprise, prestation de services sociaux de base ou insertion de personnes en situation d’exclusion sociale. Ce document, qui regroupe deux rapports élaborés par des experts du Maroc et de Tunisie en 2007, présente une image de la situation de l’Économie Sociale dans ces deux pays du Maghreb.
2008 Number of comments: 0
2008 Number of comments: 0
La economía social en el Magreb La situación de Marruecos y Túnez Hablar de Economía Social en el Magreb es hablar de desarrollo local, de creación de empleo, de emprendedores, de prestación de servicios sociales básicos o de inserción de personas que se encuentran en exclusión social. Este documento, que recopila dos informes elaborados por expertos de Marruecos y Túnez durante el año 2007, nos ofrece una “fotografía” de la situación de la Economía Social en estos dos países Magrebíes.
2008 Number of comments: 0
2008 Number of comments: 0
The Blue Sweater Story - Setting up Acumen Fund The Blue Sweater is the inspiring memoir by Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund's founder and CEO, who has spent her life on a quest to understand global poverty and to find powerful new ways of tackling it.
2010 Number of comments: 0
2010 Number of comments: 0
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
April 2010 Number of comments: 0
April 2010 Number of comments: 0
The Enter-Growth Project Sri Lanka Applying a market development lens to an ILO local enterprise development project The ILO Enterprise for pro-poor growth project (Enter-Growth, 2005-2009) has had significant success in achieving local economic development in four Sri Lankan Districts. A major aspect of Enter-Growth's success is to have facilitated systemic changes in the markets that poor people interact with, which in turn has led to wider and more sustainable impact. To do this, Enter-Growth has followed a market development approach. Enter-Growth is, in fact, one of only a few pioneering projects internationally, which has attempted to deliver a more systemic approach to private sector development.
January 2010 Number of comments: 0
January 2010 Number of comments: 0
RadioDEL_Competitividad Sistemica y Desarrollo Economico Local Podcast sobre Desarrollo Económico Local RadioDEL es un programa de podcast español sobre DEL
18.12.2008 Number of comments: 0
18.12.2008 Number of comments: 0
Local Economic Development in the Tourism Sector in East Java Routes Out of the Crisis – 1-3 December 2009: Indonesia National Case Study Number of comments: 1
Case study China: Local Economic Policies in Guangdong Province and Employment Promotion under the Crisis Routes Out of the Crisis – 1-3 December 2009: China National Case Study Number of comments: 0
Enterprise for Pro-poor growth project Enter-Growth Manuals, documents, reports from an LED project in Sri Lanka. Number of comments: 0
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sharing knowledge and the way forward Number of comments: 0
LED ToolBox A box full of relevant tools for every step of the LED process! The updated version of the LED Toolbox is published! Number of comments: 0
Diagnóstico de la situación del Desarrollo Económico Territorial y el Empleo (DETE) en Chile Una mirada a las actuales políticas para apoyar la innovación territorial El paper discute si las actuales políticas de apoyo a la innovación van en la línea también de poder contribuir al desarrollo económico y al empleo en los territorios.
28 abril 2009 Number of comments: 0
28 abril 2009 Number of comments: 0
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development South and South-East Asia Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See www.ledconference.lk for more information and registration form. Number of comments: 0
Local Economic Development in Sri Lanka The Forum Theatre experience This is an LED story of a Forum Theatre experience by Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
march 2007 Number of comments: 0
march 2007 Number of comments: 0
Local Economic Development in Polonnaruwa district, Sri Lanka As part of the Good Practice LED Cases in South Asia A Case Study as part of the Good Practice LED Cases in South Asia, commissioned by International Labour Organisation.
April 2008 Number of comments: 0
April 2008 Number of comments: 0
Social Marketing Campaign in Sri Lanka Case Study of the Palama Forum Theatre Project for Enterprise Culture This is a case study of a social marketing campaign conducted by Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
October 2008 Number of comments: 0
October 2008 Number of comments: 0
IFAD's Knowledgebase on Rural Poverty A useful collection of insight documents, initiatives, reports, case studies and news on a rich selection of topics related to rural poverty. Material ranges from climate change to rural finance, desertification, land issues and trade liberalisation, and is tackled from the perspective of a variety of sectors and actors (gender, indigenous peoples...) of the rural economy. Number of comments: 0