Value Chain
Building Bridges with Papaya Local Empowerment through Economic Development Sri Lanka is home to a myriad of people who suffered from displacement during the years of violent conflict. Disempowered and far from home, these people were often reduced to passive recipients of aid. Now, these displaced communities are being re-empowered and are finding their place in the emerging post-conflict national economy, through a farming cooperative that helps small producers of papaya access the competitive open market.
2014 Number of comments: 0
2014 Number of comments: 0
The Yunus Social Business Centre- University of Florence (YSBCUF) Combining scientific research and consulting, YSBCUF endeavors to promote social businesses that sustainably utilize local resources to address local issues. Number of comments: 0
Action Research for Co-Development (ARCO) Lab The Local Development Unit of the ARCO Lab synthesizes their main objectives, activities, and services Number of comments: 0
Up-scaling Local Economic Development: Lessons from the Ghana Decent Work Programme How can we maximize the institutional and policy impacts of Local Economic Development (LED) projects? The lessons learned from the LED component of the Ghana Decent Work Programme (GDWP) show that LED can have sustainable impact at local and national levels alike. This case studies analyzes the institutional and policy impacts of a local economic development strategy and its success factors.
Dec 2012 Number of comments: 0
Dec 2012 Number of comments: 0
Case study of the African Cashew Initiative - Focus: Ghana. Lessons from working with new and multiple partners - Emerging Results The African Cashew Initiative (ACi) is a multi-country programme that is pioneering a formalised co-funding and implementation structure with various public and private partners and development organisations. It offers valuable lessons from managing multi-stakeholder partnerships, and collaboration between more ‘traditional’ development organisations and new donors like the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Further, the ACi’s evolving approach to results measurement, and the challenges and opportunities encountered in integrating African smallholders into global value chains offer interesting insights.
July 2012 Number of comments: 0
July 2012 Number of comments: 0
The role of Cooperatives and Business Associations in Value Chain Development Briefing paper on the role that coops and business associations play in value chain development approaches
July 2012 Number of comments: 0
July 2012 Number of comments: 0
Combining Value Chain Development and Local Economic Development Briefing paper on the complementarities between local economic development and value chain development approaches.
2012 Number of comments: 0
2012 Number of comments: 0
Outils sur la réduction de la pauvreté par le tourisme Le thème de cette boite à outils, c'est la façon dont le tourisme peut être un moteur de réduction de la pauvreté. Les communautés locales / rurales et les petites entreprises sont le principal groupe cible.La boîte à outils est organisée autour de cinq chapitres modulaires. 1. La réduction de la pauvreté et de l'industrie du tourisme - aperçu général 2. Les ressources humaines, le travail décent et du dialogue social 3. Promotion et commercialisation dans le tourisme 4. Marché du tourisme 5. Tourisme d'affaires
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Toolkit on poverty reduction and tourism The theme of this toolkit is the ways in which tourism can be a driver of poverty reduction. Local/rural communities and small enterprises are the primary target group. The toolkit is organized around five modular chapters. 1. The tourism industry and poverty reduction – general overview 2. Human resources, decent work and social dialogue 3. Promotion and marketing in tourism 4. Tourism market 5. Tourism business
2011 Number of comments: 1
2011 Number of comments: 1
A guide to making results chains::DCED A results chain/impact logic is a tool to show how programme activities will influence particular systems, how changes in these systems will affect enterprises, and how those changes in enterprises will ultimately reduce poverty and/or contribute to other development goals. This brief guide provides guidance on the process.
2012 Number of comments: 0
2012 Number of comments: 0
My.COOP Managing your agricultural cooperative Managing your Agricultural Cooperative - My.COOP - is a training package that aims to strengthen the management of agricultural cooperatives so that they can offer high quality, efficient and effective services to their members.
January 2012 Number of comments: 0
January 2012 Number of comments: 0
ILO Value Chain Development Portfolio Analysis - A stocktaking of ILO value chain related activities This study traces ILO projects and interventions linked to Value Chains and sectoral development in more than 20 countries and gives a concrete overview of what the ILO is doing to promote more and better jobs in emerging markets. The study comes up with a series of lessons learned out of ILO's Value Chain work that will be valuable not only for ILO staff but for all development practitioners involved in Value Chain development.
Nov 2011 Number of comments: 0
Nov 2011 Number of comments: 0
ILO Business Opportunities and Support Services (BOSS) Project - IRL (Timor-Leste) The Timorese Government, in particular the Ministry of Economy and Development (MED) understands well that Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) is the engine for growth and poverty reduction. This project will support relevant public and private institutions to deliver need/market oriented services to entrepreneurs, promote a better coordination and alignment of private sector initiatives and contribute to “private-sector-sound” rural development strategy Number of comments: 0
Les chaînes de valeur pour le développement rural Points clés et orientations pour l’action pour promouvoir les chaînes de valeur pour le développement rural. Les producteurs des zones rurales sont le point de départ de la plupart des chaînes de valeur. En les aidant à saisir les opportunités qu’offrent les marchés, à obtenir des conditions équitables et à augmenter la valeur de leurs produits, on améliore la performance de la chaîne de valeur, tout en accroissant les revenus, l’emploi et la croissance économique en zone rurale.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Développement de la chaîne de valeur pour le travail décent Un guide pour les initiatives du secteur privé, les gouvernements, et les organisations de développement Un guide abordant le développement de la chaîne de valeur dans une perspective de développement du marché avec une concentration unique sur la façon de parvenir au travail décent, élaboré entre 2007 et 2009
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Rural-Related Tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas Descriptive leaflets on over 50 ready-to-use tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas, including enterprise and employment support, international labour standards, social protection, social dialogue, and cross-cutting themes, such as youth and gender.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Making markets empower the poor Programme perspectives on using markets to empower women and men living in poverty Market-based development programmes can help people living in poverty benefit from markets and lift themselves out of poverty. However, many such approaches do not pay attention to power imbalances that perpetuate marginalisation and poverty. To reach their fullest potential, market-based programmes should actively strengthen the power of marginalised smallholders and women. Major events in the market system, induced by changes in policy, regulation, social movements or business models can provide opportunities to intervene and rebalance power. Market-based programmes should also be complemented by non-market interventions that address poverty and sustainability issues in household and environmental systems. Through its work, Oxfam has encountered some of the challenges and limitations of market-based approaches. This paper is intended to raise these challenges with the broader community of development practitioners employing market-based approaches and share approaches Oxfam has taken to addressing them. The most conspicuous of these challenges is a need to address power imbalances between smallholders and larger businesses, as well as between women and men.
November 2011 Number of comments: 0
November 2011 Number of comments: 0
Développement économique local - L’État, l’économie et la société civile main dans la main Défis, approches et méthodes, développement du secteur privé, filières et pôles de compétences, gouvernance Réduire la pauvreté et améliorer les conditions de vie de l’ensemble de la population par le biais d’une stratégie axée sur le développement économique et social, tel est le but du développement économique local (DEL). Celui-ci décrit une approche globale par laquelle l’État, l’économie privée et la société civile s’engagent dans une collaboration visant à élaborer puis à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de développement régional. Number of comments: 0
Stratégies de Développement en Guinée Présentation d'expériences à différents niveaux: national, régional, filières, entreprises. Présentation des stratégies de développement adoptées en Guinée en faveur des pauvres. Il s'agit des stratégies à des niveaux différents, au niveau national (croissance en faveur des pauvres et partenariat public-privé), au niveau régional/local (DEL), au niveau des filières (développement des chaînes de valeur) et au niveau des entreprises (approche participative de cycles de 6 mois de services d'appui aux entreprises). Les approches ne s'excluent pas l'une l'autre, mais sont complémentaires et peuvent être appliquées selon vos domaines d'intervention. Number of comments: 0
Strengthening potato value chains This publication is based on the proceedings of the workshop “Strengthening Potato Value Chains in Developing Countries” held in November 2008, in Rome, Italy, and hosted by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the Common Fund for Commodities (CFC). The workshop was held within the context of the International Year of the Potato (IYP), which was facilitated by the FAO Plant Production and Protection Division (AGP), in partnership with the International Potato Center (CIP). This publication is a valuable resource for those working on potato value chains, either in technical interventions or in policy-making.
2010 Number of comments: 0
2010 Number of comments: 0