The Yunus Social Business Centre- University of Florence (YSBCUF) Combining scientific research and consulting, YSBCUF endeavors to promote social businesses that sustainably utilize local resources to address local issues. Number of comments: 0
Action Research for Co-Development (ARCO) Lab The Local Development Unit of the ARCO Lab synthesizes their main objectives, activities, and services Number of comments: 0
Sub-national Revenue Mobilization in Latin America and Caribbean Countries: The Case of Venezuela This paper analyzes the high fiscal dependence of Venezuelan states and municipalities on the central government and the political economy process embedded in the interaction between the central government and sub-national entities. Also explored is whether there is scope to increase sub-national governments’ revenues, improve the current intergovernmental transfer system, and reduce horizontal imbalances; of particular importance is analyzing the impact of current transfer mechanisms on sub-national governments’ revenues volatility. Following a presentation of Venezuela’s economic background, public sector and fiscal variables, the paper describes the process of decentralization, inter-governmental transfer mechanisms and revenue volatility, and local governments’ own revenues. Subsequently presented are sub-national governments’ fiscal dependence and its determinants, followed by options for revenue mobilization and improving the transfer mechanism. The paper concludes with a summary and policy recommendations.
2012 Number of comments: 0
2012 Number of comments: 0
Up-scaling Local Economic Development: Lessons from the Ghana Decent Work Programme How can we maximize the institutional and policy impacts of Local Economic Development (LED) projects? The lessons learned from the LED component of the Ghana Decent Work Programme (GDWP) show that LED can have sustainable impact at local and national levels alike. This case studies analyzes the institutional and policy impacts of a local economic development strategy and its success factors.
Dec 2012 Number of comments: 0
Dec 2012 Number of comments: 0
Limits of good governance in developing countries This book is the first result of an international joint research project, Academic Network for the Development of Asia (ANDA). ANDA is sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS), and the Graduate School of International Development (GSID), Nagoya University, Japan took the initiative for the network. ANDA has had 12 research groups and one of them is the governance group.
Nov 2011 Number of comments: 0
Nov 2011 Number of comments: 0
Realizing Local Development in the Carbon Commodity Chain Political Economy, Value and Connecting Carbon Commodities at Multiple Scales This paper provides an analysis of how local community development is connected to the global carbon economy through the creation of carbon commodities (offset credits) and the role of premium credit certification in assisting in local development. The paper shows that information on local conditions should be focused on political-economic processes and the interactions between actors to nuance the social benefits of carbon credit generation in developing country contexts.
December 2011 Number of comments: 0
December 2011 Number of comments: 0
Local Governance website :: World Bank A World Bank website with resources on local governance Number of comments: 0
Efficient local development strategies: Exchange of experiences Latin America and OECD The Andean Development Corporation (CAF), full member of the LEED Directing Committee, and the OECD LEED Programme jointly organised a conference in Bogota in September 2008 hosted by the National Ministry of Planning (DNP) of Colombia. This event sought to stimulate the exchange of good practices in defining and implementing economic development strategies at the local level. In addition, the event contributed to the policy dialogue between the OECD and Latin America, by providing a platform to discuss and identify relevant policy making approaches in order to achieve self-sustaining local development strategies. This report presents a summary of the presentations, discussions and working sessions that took place during the conference and the capacity building seminar. It has been prepared by the OECD Secretariat in collaboration with the CAF.
2008 Number of comments: 0
2008 Number of comments: 0
Kerala Local Government and Service Delivery :: World Bank The objective of the Kerala Local Government and Service Delivery Project for India is to enhance and strengthen the institutional capacity of the local government system in Kerala to deliver services and undertake basic administrative and governance functions more effectively and in a sustainable manner. Number of comments: 0
Supporting Decentralization in Developing Countries :: UCLG The overall objective of the project is to support decentralization and local democracy processes in developing countries, in order to strengthen local development and good governance. More specifically the objective is to have strengthened local governments and their representative organisations, with the capacity to analyze their needs, to define priority agendas and to dialogue with States and regional institutions in support of decentralization and the role of local governments. Time Frame: 2010-2012 Number of comments: 0
International Observatory on Participatory Democracy The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD) is a space open to all cities in the world and all associations, organizations and research centres interested in learning about, exchanging impressions and applying experiences of participatory democracy on a local scale with the aim of deepening the roots of democracy in municipal government. Number of comments: 0
Decentralization and Local Development in Jordan Report of a regional workshop held in Amman and organized by AS Amman, Visions Center For Strategic and Development Studies, to analyze decentralization and local development in Jordan.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Institutional Reforms, Private Sector, and Economic Growth in Africa The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of institutional reforms on the revival of African economies. We study the impact of positive changes in business environment indicators of the Doing Business project and the Economic Freedom Index of the Heritage Foundation on the private sector development indicators and economic performances of African countries. Econometric estimations with panel data of African countries during the period 2003–08 indicate that differences across countries over timein terms of private investment, foreign direct investment, domestic credit to private sector, and the growth rate of gross domestic product are significantly influenced by differences in efforts ofinstitutionaland economic reforms
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Institute for Territorial Economic Development: Number of comments: 0
LOS ACTORES Y GOBIERNOS LOCALES ANTE LOS PROCESOS DE GLOBALIZACIÓN Y UNIVERSALIZACIÓN la experiencia de Villa El Salvador, Peru. Una de las sorpresas del siglo XXI es la importancia creciente de lo local más allá de los procesos de globalización y de universalización que se siguen produciendo. Resaltan los roles de nuevos actores locales y la relación entre los gobiernos locales, otras instancias de gobierno y el sector privado, teniendo a la concertación como base de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo equitativo.
diciembre 2011 Number of comments: 0
diciembre 2011 Number of comments: 0
Introduction aux théories et à quelques pratiques du développement local et territorial : analyse et synthèse bibliographique Introduction -- Qu’est-ce que le développement local et territorial? -- Le système des acteurs du développement local -- L’entreprise comme acteur de son environnement régional -- La construction productive du marché et les concentrations d’entreprises comme moteurs du développement local -- Le rôle de l’État dans la décentralisation et le développement local -- Développement local et globalisation
1er janvier 2005 Number of comments: 0
1er janvier 2005 Number of comments: 0
Économie sociale et solidaire: notre chemin commun vers le travail décent « Économie sociale et solidaire: notre chemin commun vers le travail décent ». Document de référence pour la deuxième édition de l’Académie sur l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire, 24-28 octobre 2011, Montréal, Canada Le document rassemble une série d'articles pour aider à construire une compréhension commune du concept de solidarité de l'économie sociale (ESS), plus particulièrement en matière de gouvernance et gestion , politiques et réseaux dans et pour les organisations de l'ESS. Il inclut également des informations générales sur l'OIT et l'initiative d'économie sociale et solidaire, et des articles sur la relation entre l'ESS et l'économie informelle, l'économie verte, le développement local et les modalités de financement de l'ESS.
24 Octobre 2011 Number of comments: 0
24 Octobre 2011 Number of comments: 0
Proceedings of the Workshop: State of the Art of Local Governance - Challenges for the Next Decade The proceedings are the result of a workshop held in Visby, Sweden, 29-30 April 2010 which succeeded in gathering some of the most distinguished scholars and policymakers in the field of local governance to discuss the State of the Art of Local Governance – Challenges for the Next Decade. The purpose of the workshop was twofold: firstly, it was designed to sum up findings and insights gained in recent decades through experiments with local democracy, and secondly, it aimed to consider what the key challenges and crucial policy issues will be in the coming decade. In the on-going process of establishing the ICLD, our ambition has been to provide a forum in which the gap between research, policy and practical experiences from the field may be addressed. This workshop is therefore intended to be the first of a series and the next international event (Phnom Penh, Cambodia) is planned for the spring of 2011. The full papers from the workshop are published in the ICLD working paper series and can be downloaded from the ICLD web site.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Engaging Civil Society to Promote Democratic Local Governance: Emerging Trends and Policy Implications in Asia This paper discusses a wide range of issues in engaging civil society to deepen and sustain decentralization and local democracy. It examines the concepts of democratic local governance and decentralization and issues in implementation of policies and programmes at the national and local levels. It presents CSO’s patterns of growth, legal frameworks, capacity, accountability and impact on democratic change in Indonesia, Malaysia, Bangladesh, Pakistan, China, the Republic of Korea and the Philippines. It identifies emerging trends in civil society engagement and policy implications in Asia.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Rural-Related Tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas Descriptive leaflets on over 50 ready-to-use tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas, including enterprise and employment support, international labour standards, social protection, social dialogue, and cross-cutting themes, such as youth and gender.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0