Useful links
Here you can find links to LED practictioners' Web Sites.
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Migration for Development (M4D) goes local The local level plays a key role in the field of Migration and Development (M&D). According to this belief and since the beginning of the programme, the Joint Migration and Development Initiative has stressed the importance of local realities and worked in partnership with local stakeholders. The “local” level is indeed the level where people live, work and build relationships in their everyday lives and where many needs and potentials are to be found. The "M4D goes local" section of the M4D website offers resources and instruments to allow practitioners to find out what is going on at the local level, as well as to share and disseminate local good practices in the field of M&D. Number of comments: 0
Conecta DEL ConectaDEL es el Programa Regional de Formación para el Desarrollo Económico Local lanzado en conjunto por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) a través del Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones (FOMIN) y Entidades Socias Locales (ESL) en Argentina, Perú y Centroamérica, con miras a ampliarse a Chile y Brasil. ConectaDEL es integrante de la Agenda DEL FOMIN. Number of comments: 0
Fonds d’Assistance au Capital de Démarrage :: UNEP, AfDB Le Fonds d’Assistance au Capital de Démarrage (Seed Capital Assistance Facility - SCAF) est une initiative récente qui opère dans la plupart des pays en développement en Asie et en Afrique. SCAF a pour but d’aider les fonds qui investissent dans les entreprises opérant dans le secteur des énergies propres afin de leur faciliter l’accès aux capitaux de démarrage. SCAF est mis en œuvre par le Programme des Nations Unies pour l’Environnement (PNUE), la Banque Asiatique de Développement (BASD) et la Banque Africaine de Développement (BAD). Number of comments: 0
Resource Guide on the Informal Economy "The term 'informal economy' refers to all economic activities by workers and economic units that are – in law or in practice – not covered or insufficiently covered by formal arrangements. Their activities are not included in the law, which means that they are operating outside the formal reach of the law; or they are not covered in practice, which means that – although they are operating within the formal reach of the law, the law is not applied or not enforced; or the law discourages compliance because it is inappropriate, burdensome, or imposes excessive costs." Number of comments: 0
Microfinance in Latin America and the Caribbean From the first experiments of providing tiny loans to poor women in the early 1970s, microfinance has grown to become a sophisticated industry. In Latin America and the Caribbean alone, some 600 microfinance institutions have lent around $12 billion to more than 10 million low-income clients. This platform gathers resources on microfinance in Latin America in the Caribbean, such as data, publications and programmes. Number of comments: 0
The Guardian's hub on local economies The Guardian's local government hub serves as a virtual space for commentary, live debates and news on British local government developments. Number of comments: 0
Territorial Reviews :: OECD This series offers analysis and policy guidance to national and sub-national governments seeking to strengthen territorial development policies and governance. These reviews are part of a larger body of OECD work on regional development that addresses the territorial dimension of a range of policy challenges, including governance, innovation, urban development and rural policy. This work includes both thematic reports and reports on specific countries or regions. Number of comments: 0
Research Paper Series:: ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility Research Paper Series of ILO's Microinsurance Innovation Facility. Number of comments: 0
Local Governance website :: World Bank A World Bank website with resources on local governance Number of comments: 0
Ashoka Ashoka strives to shape a global, entrepreneurial, competitive citizen sector: one that allows social entrepreneurs to thrive and enables the world’s citizens to think and act as changemakers. Number of comments: 0
Food Price Watch :: World Bank Website dedicated to the latest report on Food Price Watch. The page includes a summary of the report, relevant links, coping strategies, live chats, as well as past editions of the report. The report is part of a series that aims at drawing attention to trends in domestic food prices in low- and middle-income countries and their policy implications. Number of comments: 0
International Observatory on Participatory Democracy The International Observatory on Participatory Democracy (IOPD) is a space open to all cities in the world and all associations, organizations and research centres interested in learning about, exchanging impressions and applying experiences of participatory democracy on a local scale with the aim of deepening the roots of democracy in municipal government. Number of comments: 0
Seven Fund SEVEN (Social Equity Venture Fund) is a virtual non-profit entity run by entrepreneurs whose strategy is to markedly increase the rate of innovation and diffusion of enterprise-based solutions to poverty. It does this by targeted investment that fosters thought leadership through books, films and websites; supporting role models - whether they are entrepreneurs or innovative firms - in developing nations; and shaping a new discourse in government, the press and the academy around private-sector innovation, prosperity and progressive human values. Number of comments: 0
Centre for Global Development The Center for Global Development works to reduce global poverty and inequality through rigorous research and active engagement with the policy community to make the world a more prosperous, just, and safe place for us all. A nimble, independent, nonpartisan, and nonprofit think tank, CGD combines world-class research with policy analysis and innovative communications to turn ideas into action. Number of comments: 0
Blogs :: World Bank A blog from World Bank staff on all things development, with blog posts, polls, stats, videos and photos. Number of comments: 0
Enterprise Surveys :: World Bank An Enterprise Survey is a firm-level survey of a representative sample of an economy’s private sector. The surveys cover a broad range of business environment topics including access to finance, corruption, infrastructure, crime, competition, and performance measures. The World Bank has collected this data from face-to-face interviews with top managers and business owners in over 130,000 companies in 125 economies. Enterprise Surveys and Doing Business are complementary, but different diagnostic tools. They differ in their sources of information and in the types of business environment data that are collected. Number of comments: 0
Ciudadinnova Blog sobre Ciudad e Innovación Este blog pretende hablar de innovación y de desarrollo económico -DEL- desde la administración local. Hablaremos de teoría y de realidades pero también, sobre todo, de qué hacer y cómo hacerlo para impulsar la economía a través de la innovación y el conocimiento en una ciudad mediana en esta era de cambios profundos y rápidos.
From 2005 Number of comments: 0
From 2005 Number of comments: 0
Institute for Territorial Economic Development: Number of comments: 0
Rural-Related Tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas Descriptive leaflets on over 50 ready-to-use tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas, including enterprise and employment support, international labour standards, social protection, social dialogue, and cross-cutting themes, such as youth and gender.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Policy Briefs on Rural Development Action-oriented, synthetic leaflets providing guidance to practitioners on how to make select sectors, technical areas and population groups engines of rural growth, job creation, poverty alleviation, crisis resilience and equitable development.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0