Voices from the field
This section gathers stories from the field, focussing on telling the story of innovative initiatives. The ILO LED Stories, for example, inform about new approaches to LED, disseminate best practices and serve as brief case studies for trainings and workshops. These LED stories take place in countries as varied as Vietnam, Sri Lanka, Mozambique, Ghana, Indonesia, Philippines, Argentina, Uruguay, Chile, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Paraguay.
If you have a story to tell, upload it here through the "Share your LED Knowledge" option! For instructions for uploading, check out the "What is in this website" section.
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Greener jobs and better business for women and men in Southern Costa Rica The Brunca region, which is in Southern Costa Rica, is the country’s richest in terms of biodiversity and natural resources, but also its poorest and most isolated region. With a population consisting mainly of indigenous peoples and farmers, history has not been kind to the women and men from Brunca, who have faced discrimination and exclusion. This also rings true for its economy. It is estimated that some 30 per cent of Brunca’s population of almost 300,000 live below the poverty line (on less than USD 1.25 per day) and more people in Brunca are unemployed than the rest of the country. Access to State-run services is limited and most businesses are small with low productivity in Brunca. The region solely relies on three industries: agriculture, tourism and commerce. With some innovative thinking on how to give women and men greener and better jobs – by using indigenous and local strengths and resources to build and grow business – it has been shown that Brunca and its economy can flourish and inspire others.
2014 Number of comments: 0
2014 Number of comments: 0
Building Bridges with Papaya Local Empowerment through Economic Development Sri Lanka is home to a myriad of people who suffered from displacement during the years of violent conflict. Disempowered and far from home, these people were often reduced to passive recipients of aid. Now, these displaced communities are being re-empowered and are finding their place in the emerging post-conflict national economy, through a farming cooperative that helps small producers of papaya access the competitive open market.
2014 Number of comments: 0
2014 Number of comments: 0
From the depths of an African shantytown, a nascent youth employment movement grows In Africa’s second largest slum, youth unemployment is sky high. But cooperative projects are helping youth find work and slowly lift themselves out of poverty through such projects as raising food in community gardens, processing waste for bio-fuel or providing improved sanitation. Journalist Anne Holmes reports on how this emerging economic revival is making a small but significant dent in a major ongoing challenge. Number of comments: 0
Implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) From Strategy to Action A case study on the implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) by Aspire, the Amathole Local Economic Development Agency. AREDS is one of the more succesful LED processes in South Africa and has attracted a lot of attention (even up to and favourably mentioned by the previous President Thabo Mbeki). It is an example of the application of the Genesis Methodology for Regional Economic Strategy Development, that the GTZ-SLGP’s LED component in collaboration with mesopartner has developed. The Genesis methodology has also been endorsed by the national Department of Provincial and Local Government and the Department of Trade and Industry.
November 2008 Number of comments: 0
November 2008 Number of comments: 0
LED Story Vietnam: Value the Value Chains The experience in Viet Nam shows that value chain development is a promising way to go about Local Economic Development. It builds on rooted economic activities, local resources, dialogue and cooperation among a wide range of stakeholders. Value chain development tackles constraints at the enterprise level as well as in the business environment. As such, this integrated approach contributes to local economic growth and job creation. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Uruguay: Empowering Micro and Small Enterprises In Uruguay the great majority of enterprises are micro or small. Though national policies have been designed to support enterprises, many of them (especially those located in isolated areas) are still beyond their reach. This story tells how public and private actors can work together to implement a local economic development strategy to provide micro and small entrepreneurs the support they need. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Sri Lanka: The Forum Theatre Experience Outside the main urban centers and Western Province, in Sri Lanka the growth and employment potential of small businesses is often not fully exploited. Also, the start-up rate is low. The enterprise culture is one of the underlying causes. This story tells how theatre can support changes in the way people value business and entrepreneurship. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Nicaragua: The Competitivity Agenda, Planning Dynamically Taking into consideration that economic and political spheres are not static and enterprises have to adapt their strategies according to the fluctuations of the market, it becomes necessary to have at hand flexible instruments for economic planning. In Nicaragua, the Departmental Competitivity Agendas, which are a flexible instrument of planning in the short and medium term, are being introduced at the local level in a participative manner. Here we present the process of the department of Granada. Number of comments: 0
LED Story El Salvador: Fostering Women Entrepreneurship to Fight Poverty In El Salvador, 80% of women’s jobs are created in enterprises that are owned by women. To develop and implement a model of recognition and empowerment of female entrepreneurship, the Local Economic Development Agency of the Department of Sonsonate has promoted a Centre of Entrepreneurial Services for women, which has made it possible for women to have access to business development services and to be better represented in the local governance. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Chile: Cultural Identity as an Engine of Development In the province of San Antonio, Chile, the potential of micro and small enterprises to promote employment creation has not been sufficiently exploited. This story shows how culture—in this case, a valuable provincial cultural heritage—can be transformed into a concept that can promote the economic development of a territory, mobilizing its stakeholders around a shared identity and generating new employment opportunities for its inhabitants. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Philippines: Tripartism for Local Growth Marikina is an exemplary city. Looking at its clean market and streets, peaceful river scenery and flourishing business activity, one would not guess that the city once suffered from industrial decline and social unrest. Dialogue among City government, employers’ and workers’ organizations was a first step in leading Marikina where it is today Number of comments: 0
LED Story Mozambique: Economic and Social needs are one In Mozambique working out of poverty is hard. Natural disasters, HIV/AIDS and other hardship put severe strains on people’s ability to generate a decent income. Local Economic Development Agency Sofala looks into ways to decrease people’s vulnerability to such risks by linking social protection to economic development. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Indonesia: Reviving the Community Spirit In the Tsunami devastated areas of the Indonesian archipelago, communities need to be rebuilt from scratch. This story shows that reconstruction involves more than building houses and infrastructure. Attention for the community economy as a whole is needed. When reconstruction is built on participation, local labour and resources, the community spirit revives. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Ghana: Rooting Public-Private Dialogue In Ghana, local economic activity stems to a large extent from small, informal businesses. Their interests are hardly reflected in development strategies, however, leaving their potential for economic growth and poverty reduction untapped. This is different in two districts in the Central Region. Here small business associations and the district government come together to discuss and initiate LED initiatives deliberately including small businesses. Number of comments: 0
LED Story Argentina: Labour Insertion and Enterprise Promotion: Activating Development Under the banner of “Development, Education and Labour,” the city of Rosario, in Santa Fe, Argentina, has implemented a programme designed to boost the local economy by supporting labour insertion and promoting small enterprises. This story shows how a comprehensive programme not only counteracts the effects of an economic crisis but also provides the foundation for the sustainability of future local economic growth.
March 2007 Number of comments: 1
March 2007 Number of comments: 1
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