Urban Development
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The Yunus Social Business Centre- University of Florence (YSBCUF) Combining scientific research and consulting, YSBCUF endeavors to promote social businesses that sustainably utilize local resources to address local issues. Number of comments: 0
Engagement in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Situations: Pilot Fragility Assessment of an Informal Urban Settlement in Kiribati The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has piloted fragility assessments in selected urban settlements in the Pacific using a community-based approach and focusing on the impact of fragility on the delivery of basic services. The fragility assessment of South Tarawa in Kiribati explores patterns of fragility related to urban development including delivery of critical urban services with focus on water and sanitation services. Bairiki Village, an urban settlement in South Tarawa, was a case study for the assessment. Number of comments: 0
Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy: an opportunity to enhance youth employment We are pleased to announce that the International Training Centre of the ILO, based in Turin, is organising jointly with the REMESS, the EESC, the CIRIEC and the Recma the third edition of the: “Academy on Social and Solidarity Economy: an opportunity to enhance youth employment" from 08 to 12 April 2013 Venue: Agadir (MOROCCO) DEADLINE FOR REGISTRATIONS: 01 March 2013 Number of comments: 0
Conecta DEL ConectaDEL es el Programa Regional de Formación para el Desarrollo Económico Local lanzado en conjunto por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) a través del Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones (FOMIN) y Entidades Socias Locales (ESL) en Argentina, Perú y Centroamérica, con miras a ampliarse a Chile y Brasil. ConectaDEL es integrante de la Agenda DEL FOMIN. Number of comments: 0
Transforming Cities with Transit The integration of transit and land use is one of the most important strategic initiatives for developing more sustainable urban futures. Achieving effective integration requires a cogent, forward-looking strategic vision of the future city; an enabling institutional framework; and sustainable financial models. This newly released report promotes sustainable urban development through cross-sector integration by focusing on the careful coordination of transit and land development.
2013 Number of comments: 0
2013 Number of comments: 0
Cities with Jobs: Confronting the Employment Challenge; Policy paper The underlying research project was aimed at exploring the potential of linking the agenda for Decent Work with the City Development Strategies. In that sense, the ILO produced a research paper looking at employment promotion in cities around the world, a Policy Paper which shows the conclusions of this research and three case studies (from Brazil, the Philippines and South Africa).
Oct 2012 Number of comments: 0
Oct 2012 Number of comments: 0
OECD Regions at a Glance 2011 The differences between countries are often not as great as the disparities within them. OECD Regions at a Glance makes these differences across “places” apparent and unpacks what they imply for national performance and individual welfare. It does so by providing region-by-region indicators that help to identify areas that are outperforming or lagging behind in their country, as well as the OECD area. This publication aims to provide evidence on the progress OECD regions have made towards more sustainable development, and to help policy makers identify which factors drive the competitive edge of regions and what local resources could be better mobilised to increase national growth and people’s well-being.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Geography of Growth : Spatial Economics and Competitiveness This volume is organized as follows. Chapter one address two questions: how has spatial concentration evolved with growth and development, and what are the efficiency implications of too much or too little spatial concentration? This chapter summarizes the various models that analyze growth by geographic concentration and sets the foundation for concepts discussed in later chapters. Chapter two focuses on urbanization in geographies. Chapter three correlates urban presence with economic density in developed and developing countries. It initially focuses on how urban transition and growth are blurring the rural-urban divide and the unprecedented volume of people who are moving to urban areas. Chapter four discusses how different industries inhabit and impact various urban sectors. Chapter five contextualizes urban growth in the current technological landscape as innovation, particularly in information technology, has become critical to increasing productivity and consequently growth. Chapter six further analyzes urbanization in the current global context, specifically, the impact of globalization and industry clusters on urbanization. Chapter seven addresses a current fundamental global trend: why has urbanization been growing rapidly since the 1950s? Some theories suggest that it is industry that spurs urbanization and consequently growth in infrastructure; however this is not the case. Instead, the chapter concludes by looking at data across regions and cities, the municipalities are pivotal in influencing infrastructure development and growth in urban centers. Finally, chapter eight deciphers why some cities are more successful than others. Why do Karachi and Sao Paulo have the human capital that qualifies them as urban centers but not as thriving cities? By citing examples of successful cities, this chapter provides policy recommendations on how to make a city competitive in today's economy.
2012 Number of comments: 0
2012 Number of comments: 0
A MULTI-SECTORAL APPROACH TO DECENT WORK IN THE URBAN ECONOMY This leaflet is about decent work in urban areas. It explains the relevance of a sectoral approach to labour-related challenges in the urban economy and presents the specific contribution of the Sectoral Activities Department of the ILO. Number of comments: 0
URBAN LABOUR NETWORK Urban Labour Network is a global knowledge sharing network with a specific focus on the role of labour in urban development. It is designed to serve as a venue for bringing together practitioners, researchers, policy-makers and other interested actors (across the board, from developed to developing countries) to exchange ideas and information, post comments and articles, inform about relevant events such as seminars, conferences, and forums, and eventually promote further knowledge on the topic of urban labour. Number of comments: 0
United Cities and Local Governments :: UCLG United Cities and Local Governments (UCLG) represents and defends the interests of local governments on the world stage, regardless of the size of the communities they serve. UCLG’s members include individual cities and national associations of local governments, which represent all the cities and local governments in a single country. Its membership includes over 1,000 cities across 95 countries and 112 Local Government Associations (LGAs). UCLG joined the Cities Alliance in 2000. Number of comments: 0
Reducing Urban Poverty: A New Generation of Ideas Recognizing a need to develop and strengthen urban-focused practitioner and policy-making ties with academia, and disseminate evidence-based development programming, the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Comparative Urban Studies Project, USAID’s Urban Programs Team, the International Housing Coalition, the World Bank, and Cities Alliance teamed up to co-sponsor an academic paper competition for graduate students studying urban issues. The first competition took place in the months leading up to the 5th World Urban Forum, held in Rio de Janeiro in March 2010. This publication marks the second annual academic paper competition. These papers highlight the new research and innovative thinking of the next generation of urban planners, practitioners, and policy-makers.
2010 Number of comments: 0
2010 Number of comments: 0
Fixing Failing Cities – Transforming Glasgow and Other Cities A PPT presentation by Professor Stuart Gulliver given at the IDB on the urban recovery process in Glasgow, Scotland
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Urban Renewal and Development project in Valparaiso :: IDB The Program has the objective of supporting the economic reactivation of Valparaiso city for the benefit of its population, by financing activities directed towards: (i) the restoration and preservation of the cultural heritage of the city, as well (ii) enabling the city to make the best use its advantageous characteristics, such as its seaside location and the presence of a large number of important universities. Number of comments: 0
Ciudadinnova Blog sobre Ciudad e Innovación Este blog pretende hablar de innovación y de desarrollo económico -DEL- desde la administración local. Hablaremos de teoría y de realidades pero también, sobre todo, de qué hacer y cómo hacerlo para impulsar la economía a través de la innovación y el conocimiento en una ciudad mediana en esta era de cambios profundos y rápidos.
From 2005 Number of comments: 0
From 2005 Number of comments: 0
From the depths of an African shantytown, a nascent youth employment movement grows In Africa’s second largest slum, youth unemployment is sky high. But cooperative projects are helping youth find work and slowly lift themselves out of poverty through such projects as raising food in community gardens, processing waste for bio-fuel or providing improved sanitation. Journalist Anne Holmes reports on how this emerging economic revival is making a small but significant dent in a major ongoing challenge. Number of comments: 0
Développement de la chaîne de valeur pour le travail décent Un guide pour les initiatives du secteur privé, les gouvernements, et les organisations de développement Un guide abordant le développement de la chaîne de valeur dans une perspective de développement du marché avec une concentration unique sur la façon de parvenir au travail décent, élaboré entre 2007 et 2009
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Competitive Cities in the 21st Century Cluster-Based Local Economic Development This book explores ways to foster the development of more competitive and sustainable urban economies in Asia. In particular, it explores ways offostering the development of industry clusters to increase the competitiveness of Asian cities through an analytical methodology and structured approach toward CCED. CCED has been developed and tested in three South Asian countries: Bangladesh, India, and Sri Lanka. It draws upon an extensive body of knowledge and experience of industry cluster development in Asia and elsewhere. Detailed studies of selected industry clusters have been undertaken to identify and understand what is necessary to make cities more competitive, and to formulate cluster development strategy for inclusive economic growth.
2011 Number of comments: 0
2011 Number of comments: 0
Labour oriented participation in municipalities: How decentralized social dialogue can benefit the urban economy and its sectors With the continuous trend towards decentralization, a growing number of local authorities and/or other urban actors have engaged in labour-related participation. Yet, there is a need to analyse what has been done, to contrast the labour-related experiences with participatory experiences in other fields (sanitation, housing, etc.) as well as to analyse the value-added of a labour-related approach. These are issues addressed by this paper.
2010 Number of comments: 0
2010 Number of comments: 0
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