Consolidated Local Government Tourism Intervention, Support and Capacitation Programme The National Tourism Sector Strategy (NTSS) of South Africa recognises Local Government as a key partner/stakeholder in growing tourism and achieving its outcomes. There is also an acknowledgement that in its current form, Local Government is far from being able to carry the required functions related to tourism development and management. It is in light of the above realities and capacity limitations at the Local Government sphere that a need arose to develop a Local Government Tourism Development and Growth Support Programme, led by the National Department of Tourism (NDT), with support from other partners.
Up-scaling Local Economic Development: Lessons from the Ghana Decent Work Programme How can we maximize the institutional and policy impacts of Local Economic Development (LED) projects? The lessons learned from the LED component of the Ghana Decent Work Programme (GDWP) show that LED can have sustainable impact at local and national levels alike. This case studies analyzes the institutional and policy impacts of a local economic development strategy and its success factors.
Institutional Reforms, Private Sector, and Economic Growth in Africa The aim of this paper is to analyse the effect of institutional reforms on the revival of African economies. We study the impact of positive changes in business environment indicators of the Doing Business project and the Economic Freedom Index of the Heritage Foundation on the private sector development indicators and economic performances of African countries. Econometric estimations with panel data of African countries during the period 2003–08 indicate that differences across countries over timein terms of private investment, foreign direct investment, domestic credit to private sector, and the growth rate of gross domestic product are significantly influenced by differences in efforts ofinstitutionaland economic reforms
Making the Grade: Smallholder Farmers, Emerging Standards, and Development Assistance Programs in Africa This report provides, in a readily accessible form, various insights, perspectives and empirical evidence related to the challenges and opportunities facing African smallholders and supply chain entities in high value agri-food markets, especially in relation to compliance with pertinent standards. The report seeks to ‘tone down the heat’ in the on-going standards as ‘barriers’ vs. ‘catalysts’ policy discussions providing, as well as possible, an objective assessment of the patterns and representativeness of available evidence.
From the depths of an African shantytown, a nascent youth employment movement grows In Africa’s second largest slum, youth unemployment is sky high. But cooperative projects are helping youth find work and slowly lift themselves out of poverty through such projects as raising food in community gardens, processing waste for bio-fuel or providing improved sanitation. Journalist Anne Holmes reports on how this emerging economic revival is making a small but significant dent in a major ongoing challenge.
Checklist for gender mainstreaming in governance programmes Understanding gender issues in governance requires examining the participation and decision-making of women and men in different institutions. Addressing gender gaps in governance entails the adoption of reforms to engender different governing institutions at the various levels to ensure development effectiveness and results.
New Opportunities for African Women leaflet New Opportunities for African Women leaflet from the African Development Bank
African Women in Business Leaflet of the African Women in Business programme
Centre DEL au Benin La mission du CDEL est de ‘’contribuer à l’amélioration des performances des acteurs économiques (artisans, entrepreneurs, chercheurs d’emploi) de la commune de Cotonou en concertation avec les pouvoirs publics pour obtenir une croissance plus forte de l’économie, réduire la pauvreté et atteindre les objectifs partagés avec les pouvoirs publics locaux’’. Fort de son expertise dans le développement économique local, construite patiemment à travers des actions concrètes, le CDEL a décidé ces trois dernières années, de lever les limites territoriales qui le bloquaient afin d’élargir sa zone d’intervention. C’est dire que le CDEL peut intervenir dans tout le Bénin. Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le CDEL est doté d’une équipe technique composée de consultants-formateurs émérites dont le souci majeur est la satisfaction du client et qui ont à cœur les valeurs de l’organisation : Professionnalisme, Crédibilité et Disponibilité.
Evaluation d'un projet DEL au Malawi Le projet initial s'articule autour de quatre principales composantes :- Composante 1: Intensification de l’entreprenariat (cette composante est intégralement financée par la Banque mondiale pour un montant de 3 millions d’UC) ; Composante 2 : Création de centres de croissance ; Composante 3 : Renforcement des capacités des administrations locales, et Composante 4 : Appui technique et gestion des connaissances.
Stratégies de Développement en Guinée Présentation des stratégies de développement adoptées en Guinée en faveur des pauvres. Il s'agit des stratégies à des niveaux différents, au niveau national (croissance en faveur des pauvres et partenariat public-privé), au niveau régional/local (DEL), au niveau des filières (développement des chaînes de valeur) et au niveau des entreprises (approche participative de cycles de 6 mois de services d'appui aux entreprises). Les approches ne s'excluent pas l'une l'autre, mais sont complémentaires et peuvent être appliquées selon vos domaines d'intervention.
Formulação da Plataforma Nacional de Desenvolvimento Económico Local (DEL) As organizações locais, a comunidade empresarial local e os governos locais são os principais intervenientes no Desenvolvimento Económico Local. No entanto, os seus esforços devem estar harmonizados com as políticas nacionais, com as metas globais de redução da pobreza bem como com os processos de descentralização e globalização. Na sua forma ideal, o DEL reforça as ligações entre as autoridades ao nível nacional e ao nível local. Em Moçambique, a experiência bem sucedida de DEL nas três Províncias nomeadamente, Maputo, Sofala e Manica, estimulou o governo nacional a formular uma Plataforma multi-sectorial de DEL. Foi desenvolvido um quadro institucional para servir de base na replicação da abordagem DEL nas restantes sete províncias do país. Dada a dimensão integrada e territorial do DEL, houve necessidade de se conciliar o quadro institucional de base com a política nacional de DEL com vista a superar os problemas de coordenação e os obstáculos no seu enquadramento jurídico-legal e regulatório. Finalmente, as Agências de Desenvolvimento Económico Local são consideradas instrumentos estratégicos para a implementação do plano de acção quinquenal (2005-2009) do Governo e da Estratégia de Redução da Pobreza Absoluta em Moçambique.
The Blue Sweater Story The Blue Sweater is the inspiring memoir by Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund's founder and CEO, who has spent her life on a quest to understand global poverty and to find powerful new ways of tackling it.
Innovative Cooperative Training This source book is filled with an eclectic pool of tools, resources, ideas, information and principles that encourage innovation and entrepreneurship amongst those involved with cooperative development. It aims to change the way we think about training in the cooperative context. It seeks to introduce innovation in cooperatives through helping trainers become more innovative themselves. It aims at making a qualitative change in the way the trainer sees him or herself and uses that knowledge to dramatically improve training methods. The tools are designed to enhance and enrich one's approach to leadership. There is no right ir wrong way to use the source book and once acquainted with the methodology, users can quickly design and adapt the resources to a format that best suits their personal style.
Strategic Review of Local Economic Development in South Africa Study that looks back and reflects on the last 15 years of LED interventions in South Africa, as well as looking forward at how to deal with 14 key strategic challenges for the implementation of LED in South Africa.
Decent Work through Local Economic Development, Ghana This employment-focused project in Ghana will replicate a model for public-private dialogue and economic planning at districts level. The project will also contribute to knowledge development and capacity building to make policies addressing informality and poverty more effective. The project office is based in Accra.
Transition to Cooperative Entrepreneurship: Case studies from Armenia, China, Ethiopia, Ghana, Poland, Russia, Uganda and Vietnam This volume documents current entrepreneurial and management practices in cooperatives in selected transition and developing economies and identifies the key factors determining the success of cooperative entrepreneurship in the transition from central planning to a market-driven economy.
LED Story Ghana: Rooting Public-Private Dialogue In Ghana, local economic activity stems to a large extent from small, informal businesses. Their interests are hardly reflected in development strategies, however, leaving their potential for economic growth and poverty reduction untapped. This is different in two districts in the Central Region. Here small business associations and the district government come together to discuss and initiate LED initiatives deliberately including small businesses.