The Yunus Social Business Centre- University of Florence (YSBCUF) Combining scientific research and consulting, YSBCUF endeavors to promote social businesses that sustainably utilize local resources to address local issues.
Action Research for Co-Development (ARCO) Lab The Local Development Unit of the ARCO Lab synthesizes their main objectives, activities, and services
Manual de elaboración de proyectos El manual brinda orientaciones prácticas para que las cooperativas y otros tipos de organizaciones de autoayuda formulen propuestas de proyectos que sean viables desde los puntos de vista econó-mico, social, político y ambiental. Comprende todos los pasos de la elaboración de un proyecto: desde la identificación del problema principal a ser abordado, a la planificación de la ejecución del pro-yecto, el seguimiento y la evaluación.
Ciudadinnova Este blog pretende hablar de innovación y de desarrollo económico -DEL- desde la administración local. Hablaremos de teoría y de realidades pero también, sobre todo, de qué hacer y cómo hacerlo para impulsar la economía a través de la innovación y el conocimiento en una ciudad mediana en esta era de cambios profundos y rápidos.
Policy Briefs on Rural Development Action-oriented, synthetic leaflets providing guidance to practitioners on how to make select sectors, technical areas and population groups engines of rural growth, job creation, poverty alleviation, crisis resilience and equitable development.
Expériences de développement local au Maroc Les grandes questions posées par cette étude sont les suivantes : • Comment agir sur le développement local au Maroc ? Quelles pratiques, quelles méthodes, pour quels résultats ? • Quels sont les outils et mécanismes qui permettent de favoriser la concertation - c'est-à-dire le fait de définir, de préparer et de mener ensemble un projet – entre associations locales et pouvoirs publics locaux ? • Comment renforcer les capacités d’intervention des associations, des coopératives, des communes…? • Comment travailler entre associations du Nord et du Sud ? Comment définir et appliquer des pratiques partenariales satisfaisantes pour tous ?
Making Local Economic Development Strategies: A Trainer’s Manual
Sixth International Summer Academy on Local Economic Development 2010 You are a practitioner in local or regional economic development. You work in or with a government, a development agency, a business association, a NGO or donor agency, and your task is to promote economic development and local innovation systems at the level of local or regional territories. If you feel that this describes your situation, you should consider to participate in the Summer Academy on LED that will be organized by mesopartner from 26th to 30th July in Duisburg, Germany.
Distance learning course in Management of Local Development The Course in Management of Local Development aims to boost personal and institutional capabilities in terms of the design, implementation and evaluation of sustainable local development strategies and policies appropriate to the local socio-economic context and designed to improve the quality of life in a given territory. The course is designed to support participants in their daily local development work by providing theoretical models and, especially, practical tools. The course contents should provide the basis for a critical analysis and, above all, for concrete implementation. The course has the objective to boost participants’ skills to: • Build an integrated vision of local development, which goes beyond economic aspects and hence taking into account cultural and social aspects. • Revalue the importance of public-private partnerships, as a necessary condition for the success of local development policies. • Identify key fundamentals for strategic planning. • Assess the state of your territory by identifying the strong elements, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. • Design programmes/projects using the logical framework.
Checklists for a PACA Exercise PACA is a methodology to conduct a rapid, action-oriented analysis of a local economy.
Economic Development of Areas Industrialisation policies typically contain a series of policies, e.g. competition laws, investment climates, trade policies and technology policies. Industrialisation & Related Policies is mainly relevant for national governments. Local and regional governments have usualy a different set of government intervention at their disposal. These type of interventions are discussed in Economic Development of Areas. Local and Regional Governments should familiarise themselves with the contents of Industrialisation & Related Policies.
Promoting Employment Through Enterprise Development: The Ghana Decent Work Country Programme and Local Economic Development Initiative In 2003, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) launched the Ghana Decent Work Pilot Programme (GDWPP) to combat "decent work deficits", especially in the informal economy, through participatory development strategies at both the national and local levels. Such deficits manifest themselves through inadequate employment opportunities, low productivity and earnings as well as the absence of social and legal protection, among others, in the sector. By 2007, the Initiative had grown beyond a pilot into the Ghana Decent Work Country Programme (GDWCP). At the national level, the ILO worked with the Ghana Employers Associations, (GEA), the Ghana Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare to build consensus towards mainstreaming employment and decent work in the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS). At the district level, a Local Economic Development (LED) Initiative involving the public, private and civic sectors was launched on a pilot basis in the Central Region with emphasis on informal economy operators to raise their productivity and incomes and ultimately reduce poverty