Action Research for Co-Development (ARCO) Lab The Local Development Unit of the ARCO Lab synthesizes their main objectives, activities, and services
Job-rich Growth in Asia This report reviews some of the main labour market and social policy challenges that developing Asia faces. It proposes a development approach that integrates skills, employment and social protection within local development strategies in order to achieve more “sustainable and balanced” patterns of growth. The report emphasises the need to address workforce development within a broad approach which takes into account local enterprise development and new economic opportunities. It provides guidance on how to implement employment and skills policies to maximise their impact on job creation and quality employment. It considers the development of social protection systems to make the economy both more productive and inclusive. And it addresses critical issues of vertical and horizontal co-ordination to design and implement effective policies and strategies.
Training offer: ITCILO
Efficient local development strategies: Exchange of experiences Latin America and OECD The Andean Development Corporation (CAF), full member of the LEED Directing Committee, and the OECD LEED Programme jointly organised a conference in Bogota in September 2008 hosted by the National Ministry of Planning (DNP) of Colombia. This event sought to stimulate the exchange of good practices in defining and implementing economic development strategies at the local level. In addition, the event contributed to the policy dialogue between the OECD and Latin America, by providing a platform to discuss and identify relevant policy making approaches in order to achieve self-sustaining local development strategies. This report presents a summary of the presentations, discussions and working sessions that took place during the conference and the capacity building seminar. It has been prepared by the OECD Secretariat in collaboration with the CAF.
Políticas de Desarrollo Local e Innovación A complete review of the economic development politics to be implemented by a mid-sized town and how to involve the relevant local stakeholders in the process.
Ciudadinnova Este blog pretende hablar de innovación y de desarrollo económico -DEL- desde la administración local. Hablaremos de teoría y de realidades pero también, sobre todo, de qué hacer y cómo hacerlo para impulsar la economía a través de la innovación y el conocimiento en una ciudad mediana en esta era de cambios profundos y rápidos.
Économie sociale et solidaire: notre chemin commun vers le travail décent « Économie sociale et solidaire: notre chemin commun vers le travail décent ». Document de référence pour la deuxième édition de l’Académie sur l’Économie Sociale et Solidaire, 24-28 octobre 2011, Montréal, Canada Le document rassemble une série d'articles pour aider à construire une compréhension commune du concept de solidarité de l'économie sociale (ESS), plus particulièrement en matière de gouvernance et gestion , politiques et réseaux dans et pour les organisations de l'ESS. Il inclut également des informations générales sur l'OIT et l'initiative d'économie sociale et solidaire, et des articles sur la relation entre l'ESS et l'économie informelle, l'économie verte, le développement local et les modalités de financement de l'ESS.
Policy Briefs on Rural Development Action-oriented, synthetic leaflets providing guidance to practitioners on how to make select sectors, technical areas and population groups engines of rural growth, job creation, poverty alleviation, crisis resilience and equitable development.
Expériences de développement local au Maroc Les grandes questions posées par cette étude sont les suivantes : • Comment agir sur le développement local au Maroc ? Quelles pratiques, quelles méthodes, pour quels résultats ? • Quels sont les outils et mécanismes qui permettent de favoriser la concertation - c'est-à-dire le fait de définir, de préparer et de mener ensemble un projet – entre associations locales et pouvoirs publics locaux ? • Comment renforcer les capacités d’intervention des associations, des coopératives, des communes…? • Comment travailler entre associations du Nord et du Sud ? Comment définir et appliquer des pratiques partenariales satisfaisantes pour tous ?
DEL: Manuel pour l'élaboration et la mise en oeuvre des stratégies et des plans d'action Élaboré pour constituer une ressource devant aider les villes à élaborer leurs stratégies de déve- loppement économique local, ce Manuel a été rédigé pour des villes ou des agglomérations qui n’ont pas encore pratiqué le DEL et souhaitent aider leur économie locale à croître. Il cherche à permettre aux villes, aux praticiens, aux entreprises et aux populations intéressées de comprendre ce qu’est le DEL et pourquoi et comment il est mis en œuvre. Il présente les étapes par lesquelles il faut passer pour lancer un processus de planification du développement économique local. Il a été élaboré à partir des meilleures pratiques recensées dans un certain nombre de pays en déve- loppement et d’économies en transition ainsi qu’en Amérique du Nord et dans l’Union euro- péenne. Il donne des exemples de bonne pratique en matière d’élaboration et d’exécution de la stratégie de planification du DEL et s’appuie sur les leçons tirées des expériences vécues dans le réseau de développement économique local Cities of Change ainsi que des expériences d’autres programmes mis en œuvre dans diverses parties du monde. Nous espérons qu’il éclairera les complexités de la planification stratégique du développement économique local et permettra de les comprendre.
Centre DEL au Benin La mission du CDEL est de ‘’contribuer à l’amélioration des performances des acteurs économiques (artisans, entrepreneurs, chercheurs d’emploi) de la commune de Cotonou en concertation avec les pouvoirs publics pour obtenir une croissance plus forte de l’économie, réduire la pauvreté et atteindre les objectifs partagés avec les pouvoirs publics locaux’’. Fort de son expertise dans le développement économique local, construite patiemment à travers des actions concrètes, le CDEL a décidé ces trois dernières années, de lever les limites territoriales qui le bloquaient afin d’élargir sa zone d’intervention. C’est dire que le CDEL peut intervenir dans tout le Bénin. Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le CDEL est doté d’une équipe technique composée de consultants-formateurs émérites dont le souci majeur est la satisfaction du client et qui ont à cœur les valeurs de l’organisation : Professionnalisme, Crédibilité et Disponibilité.
Développement économique local et compétitivité territoriale en Amérique latine Le présent article porte sur le fait que, dans un univers de plus en plus mondialisé, les gouvernements locaux et régionaux d'Amérique latine doivent relever de nouveaux défis, notamment créer ou améliorer les capacités compétitives et transformer les systèmes de production locaux. Ces deux aspects doivent être liés aux politiques territoriales et, plus précisément, au développement d'une culture territoriale qui intègre les deux. Certes, ce sont les entreprises qui se font concurrence, mais leur capacité à cet effet peut être renforcée si l'environnement territorial facilite cette dynamique et si elles aussi perçoivent l'importance d'être des entreprises "du territoire" plutôt que des entreprises "dans le territoire". Néanmoins, cette aspiration se heurte à l'existence de territoires inégalement préparés à relever ces défis, ce qui suppose des types d'intervention distincts en termes de politiques publiques locales et régionales visant à améliorer leur capacité compétitive.
Evaluation d'un projet DEL au Malawi Le projet initial s'articule autour de quatre principales composantes :- Composante 1: Intensification de l’entreprenariat (cette composante est intégralement financée par la Banque mondiale pour un montant de 3 millions d’UC) ; Composante 2 : Création de centres de croissance ; Composante 3 : Renforcement des capacités des administrations locales, et Composante 4 : Appui technique et gestion des connaissances.
Développement économique local - L’État, l’économie et la société civile main dans la main Réduire la pauvreté et améliorer les conditions de vie de l’ensemble de la population par le biais d’une stratégie axée sur le développement économique et social, tel est le but du développement économique local (DEL). Celui-ci décrit une approche globale par laquelle l’État, l’économie privée et la société civile s’engagent dans une collaboration visant à élaborer puis à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de développement régional.
Dynamique de l'emploi dans les gouvernorats du Kef et de Gafsa Cette étude porte sur l’emploi des jeunes dans deux gouvernorats de l’Ouest tunisien, ceux de Gafsa et du Kef, qui sont parmi les plus frappés par le chômage. Bien qu’un grand nombre de projets de développement aient été réalisés dans ces deux gouvernorats et que bien d’autres soient en cours, toujours avec l’espoir de créer plus d’emplois, le problème du chômage reste en effet posé et les progrès en la matière sont encore lents. Pourquoi donc est-il plus difficile de créer assez d’emplois pour les jeunes dans cette région, notamment dans ces deux gouvernorats, et quels sont les facteurs qui expliquent cette difficulté ?
LIVRE BLANC / Tunisie La révolution du 14 janvier 2011 a projeté au premier plan la question des écarts de développement entre les régions. Durant plusieurs décennies, des régions entières de la Tunisie ont été écartées du processus de développement national qui s’est construit essentiellement sur le littoral. Des territoires entiers de l’intérieur du pays sont restés enfermés dans leur vocation économique traditionnelle qui les a condamnés à la stagnation. L’un des devoirs majeurs, que doivent remplir les autorités publiques, consiste à corriger les déséquilibres régionaux grâce à l’impulsion d’une dynamique de convergence entre les régions. Le développement régional est le moyen privilégié de relever ces défis. Il a pour objectif d’accroître le potentiel socio-économique et environnemental, et la compétitivité des régions dans le but d’améliorer le niveau et la qualité de vie de population. A cet égard, il favorise une dynamique de développement équilibré, et l’atténuation voire l’élimination des disparités régionales. Par disparités régionales, il faut entendre les disparités de développement économique, social et environnemental d’une ampleur telle qu’elles sont perçues par la société comme étant insoutenables. Pour poser les fondements d’une nouvelle stratégie de lutte contre ces disparités, ce rapport présente une réflexion d’ensemble sur une nouvelle politique de développement régional.
Identification des Opportunités d’Investissements dans les Gouvernorats du Kef et de Gafsa Etant donnée la constatation que le chômage parmi les jeunes qualifiés est particulièrement élevé dans les gouvernorats du Kef et de Gafsa, la présente étude rentre dans le cadre d’un projet plus global d’amélioration des conditions d’insertion dans le marché de travail de ces jeunes. Plus particulièrement, l’étude actuelle a pour principal objectif d’identifier un certain nombre d’opportunités d’investissement dans des secteurs présélectionnés à l’étude et ce dans les gouvernorats du Kef et de Gafsa. Les secteurs sélectionnés sont, pour le gouvernorat de Gafsa, les composants automobiles, les Technologies de l’Information et de la Communication (TIC), les énergies renouvelables et l’électronique industrielle et pour le gouvernorat du Kef, le tourisme, l’agroalimentaire, les énergies renouvelables et les TIC. L’identification d’idées de projets sont basées sur la prise en compte de l’environnement entrepreneurial et global des régions étudiées et serviront pour la préparation de fiches projets semi-détaillées pour les opportunités les plus réalisables. Cette démarche est basée sur la considération des résultats de l’analyse SWOT des régions, de l’étude stratégique des potentialités et limitations des régions pour les différents secteurs et des diverses études et rapports nationaux sectoriels. A l’issue de l’étude, un certain nombre de fiches projets sont préparés et serviront pour des promoteurs potentiels à la recherche d’idées d’investissement.
Mid-term evaluation of UN Joint Programme “MOBILIZATION OF THE DAHSHOUR WORLD HERITAGE SITE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mid-term evaluation report of the One UN Joint Programme on the "Mobilization of the Dahshour world heritage site for community development", which is supported by the Spanish MDG-Fund.
Labour oriented participation in municipalities: How decentralized social dialogue can benefit the urban economy and its sectors With the continuous trend towards decentralization, a growing number of local authorities and/or other urban actors have engaged in labour-related participation. Yet, there is a need to analyse what has been done, to contrast the labour-related experiences with participatory experiences in other fields (sanitation, housing, etc.) as well as to analyse the value-added of a labour-related approach. These are issues addressed by this paper.
The Blue Sweater Story The Blue Sweater is the inspiring memoir by Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund's founder and CEO, who has spent her life on a quest to understand global poverty and to find powerful new ways of tackling it.
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
Sociedad Civil, participacion y Desarrollo Local INTRODUCCIÓN En Chile, los procesos de Desarrollo Económico Local, no sólo se está intencionando la concurrencia del mayor número de actores que tienen algún grado de influencia en dicho proceso y/o son influidos por éste, sino más bien, es establecer un cambio en el enfoque y/o modelo mental con que dichos actores se desempeñan a nivel del territorio y de sus procesos de carácter económico productivo. Esto implica pasar desde el estadio de lo individual exclusivo a un estadio superior de cooperación y trabajo asociativo que haga posible la existencia de redes de apoyo eficientes, donde la institucionalidad pública expresada fundamentalmente desde el Municipio, juega un rol fundamental ya que es ella, la responsable de movilizar la mayor cantidad de creatividad posible y existente a nivel del territorio, que además, contribuya a la creación de unidades económica productivas y/o de servicios, capaces de satisfacer a nivel territorial, las necesidades de las personas. Por otra parte, la realidad actual en que se desempeñan los Municipios deja de manifiesto la tensión entre el clientelismo político local y las estrategias de desarrollo, orientadas al aumento de la competitividad territorial, concepto también, difuso para un número significativos de Municipios. Por ello, observamos a nivel de la institucionalidad pública una suerte de “Crisis permanente” que deja de manifiesto falencias estratégicas relacionadas entre otros aspectos, con el hecho de tener una mirada de largo plazo respecto del accionar en el territorio que equilibre además, el interés ciudadano de una mejor y/o mayor calidad de vida, con los objetivos políticos coyunturales como puede ser una elección de autoridades locales. Lo anterior, implica fortalecer y/o desarrollar “Sociedad Civil”, es decir, territorios poseedores de organizaciones efectivas y con capacidad de interactuar de forma proactiva con la institucionalidad, y con posibilidad de generar amplios consensos a nivel del territorio.
Backbone Strategy: EC reform of Technical Cooperation We know that keeping abreast of latest European Commission policy is time consuming. So, to lighten your load, has produced a fun video version of The Guidelines on Making Technical Cooperation More Effective. Watch and learn!
Distance learning course in Management of Local Development The Course in Management of Local Development aims to boost personal and institutional capabilities in terms of the design, implementation and evaluation of sustainable local development strategies and policies appropriate to the local socio-economic context and designed to improve the quality of life in a given territory. The course is designed to support participants in their daily local development work by providing theoretical models and, especially, practical tools. The course contents should provide the basis for a critical analysis and, above all, for concrete implementation. The course has the objective to boost participants’ skills to: • Build an integrated vision of local development, which goes beyond economic aspects and hence taking into account cultural and social aspects. • Revalue the importance of public-private partnerships, as a necessary condition for the success of local development policies. • Identify key fundamentals for strategic planning. • Assess the state of your territory by identifying the strong elements, opportunities, weaknesses and threats. • Design programmes/projects using the logical framework.
Country Briefs: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, The Philippines, and Vietnam
Recommended Reading on the Global Economic Crisis
Local Economic Development in the Tourism Sector in East Java
Case study India: A “Green” Value Chain Development Exercise in Jabalpur The ILO’s “Green Jobs” initiative supports a concerted effort by governments, employers, and trade unions to promote environmentally sustainable jobs and development in a climate-challenged world. It seeks to facilitate a "just transition" that reflects the environmental, economic and social pillars of sustainable development. In support of the initiative, the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with Sub-regional and Country Offices, has initiated demonstration programmes which aim to “contribute to identification and testing of pathways to clean development through the creation of green jobs which reconcile goals for poverty reduction with low greenhouse gas emissions.” In India the first step in the exercise has been the pilot application of a sectoral assessment methodology. The assessment of three high potential clusters, including Jabalpur dairy cluster resulted in identification of high priority interventions that support the green jobs and decent work agenda. A key aspect of the implementation of such interventions is the provision of feedback to the assessment methodology, thus contributing to its further strengthening and refining with a view to the scaling up and replication of the approach.
Case study China: Local Economic Policies in Guangdong Province and Employment Promotion under the Crisis
Economic Development of Areas Industrialisation policies typically contain a series of policies, e.g. competition laws, investment climates, trade policies and technology policies. Industrialisation & Related Policies is mainly relevant for national governments. Local and regional governments have usualy a different set of government intervention at their disposal. These type of interventions are discussed in Economic Development of Areas. Local and Regional Governments should familiarise themselves with the contents of Industrialisation & Related Policies.
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability A non-profit association of local governments, ICLEI works worldwide with cities, towns and counties to promote sustainable development. The website provides a comprehensive overview of the 1000+ partners and their programmes, plus a multilingual (EN, FR, PR, SP) resource bank on local sustainable development case studies, initiatives, reports and useful links.
Enterprise for Pro-poor growth project Manuals, documents, reports from an LED project in Sri Lanka.
Strategic Review of Local Economic Development in South Africa Study that looks back and reflects on the last 15 years of LED interventions in South Africa, as well as looking forward at how to deal with 14 key strategic challenges for the implementation of LED in South Africa.
Report on February Seminar on The aim of the seminar was to 1) share ideas and experiences about Local Economic Development between diverse groups of participants, 2) to link concepts and action>research agendas on LED to the various experiences and 3) to deepen our understanding on LED issues related to governance.
Diagnóstico de la situación del Desarrollo Económico Territorial y el Empleo (DETE) en Chile El paper discute si las actuales políticas de apoyo a la innovación van en la línea también de poder contribuir al desarrollo económico y al empleo en los territorios.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See for more information and registration form.
Genesis: Strategising Local and Regional Economic Development Genesis is a ‘robust and innovative methodology to define strategic priorities and launch or accelerate a process of transformation in local and regional economic development’. The booklet provides a brief overview of the methodology, target group, key elements and conceptual framework behind Genesis. It was commissioned by the LED component of GTZ's Strengthening Local Governance Programme in South Africa and is endorsed by the South African Department of Provincial and Local Government and the Department of Trade and Industry.
The Interaction between Local Employment Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
mesopartner Summer Academy on Local Economic Development mesopartner's LED Summer Academy is an event that targets experienced LED practitioners. It offers an option to update know-how and share experience. The number of participants is limited to 25.
Local Development for Decent Work This booklet is one of six parts to that kit, serving as a gateway into ILO expertise and knowledge on the regional priority area of local development for decent work. It explains in a brief and user-friendly manner why this is a regional priority, the issues it addresses and how the ILO can help its social partners, detailing the available approaches, strategies and tools and possible partnerships. Where applicable, examples of good practices or adaptable projects are included.
Implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) A case study on the implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) by Aspire, the Amathole Local Economic Development Agency. AREDS is one of the more succesful LED processes in South Africa and has attracted a lot of attention (even up to and favourably mentioned by the previous President Thabo Mbeki). It is an example of the application of the Genesis Methodology for Regional Economic Strategy Development, that the GTZ-SLGP’s LED component in collaboration with mesopartner has developed. The Genesis methodology has also been endorsed by the national Department of Provincial and Local Government and the Department of Trade and Industry.
Inter Agency Conference on Local Economic Development The Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development (LED) took place from 22 to 24 October 2008 at the ILO’s International Training Centre (ITC) in Turin, Italy. The conference was attended by some 130 participants from 50 countries and among these representatives from different United Nations agencies, bilateral development agencies, local governments, non-governmental organisations and indigenous peoples organisations
Cities Network The South African Cities Network is an established network of South African cities and partners that encourages the exchange of information, experience and best practices on urban development and city management. In their website you can find a compilation of success stories, reports and tools for edge updates on new trends of urban policies, sharing best practices and fostering cooperation between policy leaders, promoting innovation and strategic thinking between cities and other authorities, to the scope of mobilising the capacity of cities to support local governments and national development.
Innovations in poverty reduction: The role of local government This ODI public event addresses the importance of sub-national authorities and governments for poverty reduction. It highlights some lessons learned in Latin America and the UK, drawing implications on their relevance across the development world. You may here find the report and the podcast of the event.
World Development Report 2009 2008. Paul Krugman is awarded the Nobel Price in Economics for his work in Economic Geography. Enduring inter-regional inequalities suggest policy makers that perhaps the world is not flat afterall. The 2009 WDR is dedicated to Economic Geography. World Bank's yearly review of world economic trends and policy direction places space very firmly in the development spotlight, outlining how countries can speed up their own development by 'reshaping economic geography'. The controversial argument behind the analysis is axled on the assumption that growth will always be unbalanced and successful development requires spatial concentration.
Strategies of city-to-city co-operation for economic revitalization "STRATEGIES OF CITY-TO-CITY-CO-OPERATION FOR ECONOMIC REVITALISATION", Seville, Spain 1 -3 April 2009 in collaboration with the ILO (International Labour Organisation). How to measure and improve the economic impact of city collaboration versus city competition. International Seminar addressed only to local government decision makers. Now opened for submission of experiences to present during the seminar. Contact us for more information, selected cities will be granted with travel and accommodation. Sponsored by the Seville Local Development Agency (Sevilla Global). "ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRE CIUDADES PARA LA REVITALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA", Sevilla, España 1 - 3 Abril 2009, en colaboración con la OIT (Organización Internacional del Trabajo) destinado a mejorar y medir el impacto económico de la cooperación entre gobiernos locales. Seminario Internacional dirigido únicamente a miembros de gobiernos locales. Abierto el periodo de inscripciones y selección de experiencias. Financiado por Sevilla Global, Agencia de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Las ciudades elegidas dispondrán de una beca de viaje y alojamiento.
Building Strong Partnerships with the Private Sector for Better Jobs and Inclusion Public sector institutions increasingly understand that working with business at the local level is crucial for promoting quality jobs and social inclusion. Localities are gearing education and training to business needs. Some regions are upgrading local skills demand, working with business to improve productivity thus increasing the availability of good quality jobs. A collective response is required from industry, government, educational institutions, trade unions and community.
Decent Work through Local Economic Development, Ghana This employment-focused project in Ghana will replicate a model for public-private dialogue and economic planning at districts level. The project will also contribute to knowledge development and capacity building to make policies addressing informality and poverty more effective. The project office is based in Accra.
Globalization, Local Development and Emerging Powers. The Role of Innovation Policies. The conference, organised by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, Italy, is intended to disentangle the role of innovation policies in exploring opportunities and threats posed by globalisation processes for local production systems, with particular reference to Emerging Powers (EPs). Deadline for papers to be submitted for discussion during the conference is Wednesday the 31st of December, 2008. Please refer to the .pdf in attachment for further information.
LED Radio: Globalisation and the Importance of Place The LED Radio is an innovative methodology that has been employed in the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on LED, to discuss a current issue: globalisation, and its impact on poverty reduction strategies, the role of local economies and territorial competition and the future of local economic development strategies. The audience addressed their questions via SMS to the main speakers.
COOP News Letter No. 3 2008
The six thematic Working Groups On the first day the Inter-agency Conference on LED, 22 to 24 October 2008, Turin, discussion around LED kicked off with six theme-specific working groups, involving each participant in a group of choice. The selection of topics was aimed at exploring goverance aspects of LED processes, their economic outcomes and their application to a varied field of socio-economic development practices, ranging from Indigenous People's rights to Value Chains upgrading to Public-Private Dialogue, etc.
Making The Case for LED/ ¿Por qué es necesario el desarrollo ecómico local? As part of the Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development, held at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, and dating 22-24 October 2008, Professor Andrés Rodríguez-Pose introduced his case to Local Economic Development. In attachment you may find a copy of his PowerPoint Presentation as well as his paper, co-written with R. Crescenzi, which the presentation draws from.
Climate Change, Green Jobs and LED/El Cambio Climático, Empleo “Verde” y DEL. In the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development, held at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, and dating 22-24 October 2008, one session was dedicated to the link between LED and Climate Change. In attachment you may find the outputs to the discussion as drafted by each expert.
Information and Communication Technology for LED/ Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación para el DEL. In the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development, held at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, and dating 22-24 October 2008, one session was dedicated to the link between ICT and LED. In attachment you may find the outputs to the discussion as drafted by each expert.
Academy on Building Competitive Local Economies in Asia mesopartner is organizing the First Academy on Building Competitive Local Economies in Asia. The Asia Academy for an English-speaking audience will take place from 1 to 5 December 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The number participants is limited to 25. For any further questions or regarding the registration please directly contact mesopartner at or have a look at Additionally, you may also check out the mesopartner website for more details and information on previous Academies on Local Economic Development.
ICT4LED The initiative for this blog was born out of a comment in a resource entry of the platform. We are living in the era of the Knowledge Economy, Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs for Development, User-Created Content, and infinite other codes that describe the phenomenon. But who benefits, and how? How can ICTs help institutions, students or entreprenueurs of young SMEs in remote places, what simpler techonologies can we turn into tools for success, what role for local governments in confronting the digital divide, etc?