Radio Programmes for Small Businesses: Using Media for Local Economic Development in Ghana This publication has four main purposes. First, it informs local authorities and business associations in Ghana about the benefits of setting up industrial zones in their localities. Second, decision makers will learn about what has been achieved so far through the support to industrial areas in various regions of Ghana. Third, the document aims to share experiences on how to use radio programmes for economic development initiatives such as industrial zones at the local level. It also targets local media, especially radio, and demonstrates what they can do to create interesting programmes for small businesses and to support local economic development at the same time. Last, but not least the publication seeks to contribute to a wider knowledge sharing among stakeholders as well as the public at large on how to use media for public private dialogue. The publication is accompanied by a video documentary that comes in English and Twi versions.
Doing Business 2013 Doing Business analyzes regulations that apply to an economy’s businesses during their life cycle, including start-up and operations, trading across borders, paying taxes, and protecting investors. The aggregate ease of doing business rankings are based on 10 indicators and cover 185 economies. Doing Business does not measure all aspects of the business environment that matter to firms and investors. For example, it does not measure the quality of fiscal management, other aspects of macroeconomic stability, the level of skills in the labor force, or the resilience of financial systems. Its findings have stimulated policy debates worldwide and enabled a growing body of research on how firm-level regulation relates to economic outcomes across economies. This year’s report marks the 10th edition of the global Doing Business report series.
Philippines: Boosting entrepreneurship to ease jobs crisis One third of the Philippines population live in poverty, and thousands head out every day to work abroad. The ILO is promoting entrepreneurship as an alternative to hard-to-get wage jobs and migration.
DCED :: Newsletter Feb 2012 The Donor Committee for Enterprise Development Newsletter informs about the latest DCED publications, major additions to the DCED website, new member agency publications and initiatives, as well as upcoming events on PSD organised by the DCED and others.
A guide to making results chains::DCED A results chain/impact logic is a tool to show how programme activities will influence particular systems, how changes in these systems will affect enterprises, and how those changes in enterprises will ultimately reduce poverty and/or contribute to other development goals. This brief guide provides guidance on the process.
Medición de Resultados en el Desarrollo del Sector Privado::Agencia Suiza para el Desarrollo y la Cooperación Este documento sintetiza los principales mensajes del tercer diálogo virtual de la red e+i en 2011. Este ciclo fue diseñado como un servicio de asistencia remota temporal sobre la medición de resultados en el desarrollo del sector privado (PSD, por sus siglas en inglés), con un énfasis específico en el enfoque 'Lograr que los mercados funcionen para los pobres' (M4P).
Small Business Support Team Factsheet :: European Bank for Reconstruction and Development The EBRD’s Enterprise Growth Programme (EGP) and Business Advisory Services (BAS) help private enterprises adapt to the demands of a market economy. This factsheet provides a background on the programme.
Seven Fund SEVEN (Social Equity Venture Fund) is a virtual non-profit entity run by entrepreneurs whose strategy is to markedly increase the rate of innovation and diffusion of enterprise-based solutions to poverty. It does this by targeted investment that fosters thought leadership through books, films and websites; supporting role models - whether they are entrepreneurs or innovative firms - in developing nations; and shaping a new discourse in government, the press and the academy around private-sector innovation, prosperity and progressive human values.
Making markets empower the poor Market-based development programmes can help people living in poverty benefit from markets and lift themselves out of poverty. However, many such approaches do not pay attention to power imbalances that perpetuate marginalisation and poverty. To reach their fullest potential, market-based programmes should actively strengthen the power of marginalised smallholders and women. Major events in the market system, induced by changes in policy, regulation, social movements or business models can provide opportunities to intervene and rebalance power. Market-based programmes should also be complemented by non-market interventions that address poverty and sustainability issues in household and environmental systems. Through its work, Oxfam has encountered some of the challenges and limitations of market-based approaches. This paper is intended to raise these challenges with the broader community of development practitioners employing market-based approaches and share approaches Oxfam has taken to addressing them. The most conspicuous of these challenges is a need to address power imbalances between smallholders and larger businesses, as well as between women and men.
Breaking Down the Barriers to Business in the Pacific: Private Sector Reform Stories This publication contains the stories of Pacific people whose lives have been transformed through reforms initiated by the Private Sector Development Initiative (PSDI), co-financed by ADB and AusAID. the PSDI focuses on the following key areas: (i) state-owned enterprise (SOE) reform and public-private partnerships (PPPs), (ii) financial sector reform to promote access to financial services, and (iii) reform of the legal and business regulatory environments. The stories on this publications include assisting the Solomon Islands Government with reforming the Companies Act, increasing access to finance opportunities in remote areas of Papua New Guinea, and exploring innovative ways of using sandalwood as collateral to secure credit.
Microlinks/USAID Microlinks captures new learning in microenterprise development, disseminates it among practitioners, USAID mission staff, and other donors, and connects those actors to each other in order to improve development outcomes around the world. Using a knowledge-driven approach to microenterprise development, Microlinks aims to extend and multiply the impact of the learning and innovation developed through microenterprise research and practice.
Project Design Manual The manual provides cooperatives and other types of self-help organizations with practical guidance to formulate project proposals that are economically, socially, politically and environmentally viable.
The Blue Sweater Story The Blue Sweater is the inspiring memoir by Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund's founder and CEO, who has spent her life on a quest to understand global poverty and to find powerful new ways of tackling it.
Crisis Internacional y Políticas para las MIPYMEs: Desafíos y oportunidades para América Latina y Europa Este documento presenta un análisis comparativo de la situación de las MIPYMEs en Europa y en América Latina. El documento describe las políticas para las MIPYME de la última década en las dos regiones y evalúa su efectividad en tiempos de crisis. El documento provee información útil para lectores tanto de Europoa como de América Latina. El arte de diseñar e implementar políticas efectivas para las MIPYMEs, requiere entender profundamente los problemas actuales, saber lo que funciona y lo que no funciona, y poder aplicar las lecciones con creatividad. En este contexto puede ser especialmente útil estudiar lo que pasa en otras partes del mundo.
Renewable Energy for Microenterprise This guide is targeted to the many types of microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microenterprise support organizations that are interested in improving the profitability of their members’ microenterprises through renewable energy (RE) technologies. In addition, RE suppliers and technical organizations can use this guide to strengthen efforts to incorporate microfinance institutions and practices into rural electrification programs.
Enterprise for Pro-poor growth project Manuals, documents, reports from an LED project in Sri Lanka.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development
Diagnóstico de la situación del Desarrollo Económico Territorial y el Empleo (DETE) en Chile El paper discute si las actuales políticas de apoyo a la innovación van en la línea también de poder contribuir al desarrollo económico y al empleo en los territorios.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See for more information and registration form.
Local Economic Development in Polonnaruwa district, Sri Lanka A Case Study as part of the Good Practice LED Cases in South Asia, commissioned by International Labour Organisation.
Social Marketing Campaign in Sri Lanka This is a case study of a social marketing campaign conducted by Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
The Interaction between Local Employment Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
Summer Academy on Sustainable Enterprise Development at the ILO Turin Centre from the 22nd of June to 3rd of July 2009 A two week intensive course on the fundamentals of enterprise development. A modular structure adaptable to individual learning needs with an unique overview of Enterprise Development tools and practices. This years focus will be The global economic crisis and the role of enterprise development.
mesopartner Summer Academy on Local Economic Development mesopartner's LED Summer Academy is an event that targets experienced LED practitioners. It offers an option to update know-how and share experience. The number of participants is limited to 25.
La Oficina Regional de la OIT para América Latina y el Caribe en LIMA PRESENTÓ PANORAMA LABORAL 2008.
Can the inner cities be engines for small business growth? business owners’ perceptions and attitudes of doing business in Albert Park, Durban, South Africa. The purpose of this study was to explore the perceptions and attitudes of business owners in Albert Park, Durban. The study was situated in the broader context of business environments and their impact on small businesses. In this regard, the study sought also to identify factors that attract and discourage investors to operate their businesses in Albert Park, at the sametime explore solutions to the challenges identified by the business owners. For the purposes of this study, a business environment referred to the functioning pattern of actors, institutions, organizations and policies, which are interlinked through complex feedback mechanism, together defining an economic system. While SMME was defined as a small business which conducted its business operations either for commercial or subsistence purposes.
Strategies of city-to-city co-operation for economic revitalization "STRATEGIES OF CITY-TO-CITY-CO-OPERATION FOR ECONOMIC REVITALISATION", Seville, Spain 1 -3 April 2009 in collaboration with the ILO (International Labour Organisation). How to measure and improve the economic impact of city collaboration versus city competition. International Seminar addressed only to local government decision makers. Now opened for submission of experiences to present during the seminar. Contact us for more information, selected cities will be granted with travel and accommodation. Sponsored by the Seville Local Development Agency (Sevilla Global). "ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRE CIUDADES PARA LA REVITALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA", Sevilla, España 1 - 3 Abril 2009, en colaboración con la OIT (Organización Internacional del Trabajo) destinado a mejorar y medir el impacto económico de la cooperación entre gobiernos locales. Seminario Internacional dirigido únicamente a miembros de gobiernos locales. Abierto el periodo de inscripciones y selección de experiencias. Financiado por Sevilla Global, Agencia de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Las ciudades elegidas dispondrán de una beca de viaje y alojamiento.
Building Strong Partnerships with the Private Sector for Better Jobs and Inclusion Public sector institutions increasingly understand that working with business at the local level is crucial for promoting quality jobs and social inclusion. Localities are gearing education and training to business needs. Some regions are upgrading local skills demand, working with business to improve productivity thus increasing the availability of good quality jobs. A collective response is required from industry, government, educational institutions, trade unions and community.
Decent Work through Local Economic Development, Ghana This employment-focused project in Ghana will replicate a model for public-private dialogue and economic planning at districts level. The project will also contribute to knowledge development and capacity building to make policies addressing informality and poverty more effective. The project office is based in Accra.
Local Economic Development Network of African (LEDNA) A new one stop shop for local economic development information and networking, and which gives access to free, peer checked LED knowledge and to local economic development networks in Africa and globally. The online platform comprises resources on the concept of LED, guidelines on “how to make LED work” and examples of best practice, listed by region or by thematic area. For more details please take a look at the portal, register in and download LED tools, methods and project documents for free, start sharing your knowledge and getting in contact with the worldwide community of LED practitioners!
Productivity in cooperatives and worker-owned enterprises: Ownership and participation make a difference! This volume has been prepared as a background paper for the ILO's World Employment Report 2004: Employment, Productivity and Poverty Reduction. It examines how the ownership structure and the active participation of workers and members in cooperatives and worker-owned enterprises impact on the productivity of such enterprises. Employee-owned firms and cooperatives are ommercial organizations that operate according to a broad set of values that govern their pursuit of economic gain. As democratic member- or worker-controlled enterprises, they try to balance diverse goals such as job and income security, democratic control and participation, safety and health at the work place, profit sharing and patronage dividends, and concern for their communities. The conventional definition of productivity as "value added per worker" is therefore not fully satisfactory when we examine it in the context of employee-owned firms and cooperatives, because these organizations typically deliver a combination of economic and social returns to their member-owners and the community at large.
An inventory of tools useful for the cooperative sector This inventory includes tools used by those involved with cooperatives in Africa, who attended the COOPAfrica Technical Workshop on Tool Development, held at the Cooperative College of Kenya between the 27th and 29th of August, 2008. Where tools were not able to be provided, the contact details have been documented. Please treat this inventory as a ‘living’ document. We encourage your continued comments, efforts, and help in revising this inventory periodically, in order to incorporate new tools and your suggestions and improvements. To promote further knowledge sharing and dialogue on tool development, we have created an email list, which is soon to be followed by a web-based platform. To contribute to the email list, please address your emails to .
Sensitizing Package on Local Economic Development. Module III: How to plan and implement an LED strategy A slide presentation on the mechanism and implementation of LED strategies. It is a clear and simple guide on the needs for, mechanisms of and evaluation material for LED practitioners to organize for, implement and assess LED policies. It draws from the 1999 Interagency Human Development Program for Mozambique to illustrate a case of best practice of LED. It can also be used as a tool for training and includes a practical SWOT matrix for evaluation exercises. This guide was presented and discussed on occasion of the 2007 course on Strategies for LED, run together by the ILO offices in Geneva and Bangkok and the International Training Center (ITC) of the ILO in Turin.
PACA News 15, April 2008
Creating Prosperous Towns
Designing regional Development Agencies A concise, instructive, practitioners-targeted guide on how to set up and run Regional Development Agencies (RDAs): it informs on their structure and process, including knowledge, change and performance management. This guide was presented and discussed on the occasion of the course on Strategies for LED, run by the International Training Center (ITC) of the ILO in Turin in May 2007.
ILO Database on Poverty, Local Development and Decent Work Electronic data base of 200 publications relevant for LED and poverty reduction. With search function, quick downloads and hyperlinks. This is the inter-agency database on developing value chains, linkages and service markets - adopted by the Donor Committee for Enterprise Development. The site is dedicated to results being achieved through systemic approaches, particularly in Private Sector Development. You will find here information from hundreds of agencies, working all over the world. You can also make additional contributions.
REDEL programme, Uruguay (Reactivation of Employment through local economic development strategies) Through a local economic development approach, the REDEL Programme aims at creating new jobs, improving the quality of existing ones and support micro and small enterprises. The programme has three main objectives: (a) Configuration and consolidation of an institutional environment favourable to the implementation of LED policies and strategies, strengthening the role of the Ministry of Labour; (b)Promotion of employability and access to the labour market; (c) Strengthening and improvement of territorial employment networks for MSE’s and formulation of active labour market policies.
Applying the Comprehensive LED Approach: the Case of Mozambique The present study provides a practical illustration of how the Local Economic Development (LED) Approach can be implemented in post-conflict situations.
LED Story Sri Lanka: The Forum Theatre Experience Outside the main urban centers and Western Province, in Sri Lanka the growth and employment potential of small businesses is often not fully exploited. Also, the start-up rate is low. The enterprise culture is one of the underlying causes. This story tells how theatre can support changes in the way people value business and entrepreneurship.
LED Story Chile: Cultural Identity as an Engine of Development In the province of San Antonio, Chile, the potential of micro and small enterprises to promote employment creation has not been sufficiently exploited. This story shows how culture—in this case, a valuable provincial cultural heritage—can be transformed into a concept that can promote the economic development of a territory, mobilizing its stakeholders around a shared identity and generating new employment opportunities for its inhabitants.
ILO LED Outlook 2008 The LED Outlook 2008 takes stock of the work done during 2007 and describes the main priorities of the LED Programme for 2008 in fields such as technical cooperation, capacity building, LED knowledge sharing events and international partnerships and networks. The LED Outlook 2008 is also available in Spanish and French.
LED Story Argentina: Labour Insertion and Enterprise Promotion: Activating Development Under the banner of “Development, Education and Labour,” the city of Rosario, in Santa Fe, Argentina, has implemented a programme designed to boost the local economy by supporting labour insertion and promoting small enterprises. This story shows how a comprehensive programme not only counteracts the effects of an economic crisis but also provides the foundation for the sustainability of future local economic growth.
ICT4LED The initiative for this blog was born out of a comment in a resource entry of the platform. We are living in the era of the Knowledge Economy, Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs for Development, User-Created Content, and infinite other codes that describe the phenomenon. But who benefits, and how? How can ICTs help institutions, students or entreprenueurs of young SMEs in remote places, what simpler techonologies can we turn into tools for success, what role for local governments in confronting the digital divide, etc?