Realizing Local Development in the Carbon Commodity Chain This paper provides an analysis of how local community development is connected to the global carbon economy through the creation of carbon commodities (offset credits) and the role of premium credit certification in assisting in local development. The paper shows that information on local conditions should be focused on political-economic processes and the interactions between actors to nuance the social benefits of carbon credit generation in developing country contexts.
Políticas de Desarrollo Local e Innovación A complete review of the economic development politics to be implemented by a mid-sized town and how to involve the relevant local stakeholders in the process.
Ciudadinnova Este blog pretende hablar de innovación y de desarrollo económico -DEL- desde la administración local. Hablaremos de teoría y de realidades pero también, sobre todo, de qué hacer y cómo hacerlo para impulsar la economía a través de la innovación y el conocimiento en una ciudad mediana en esta era de cambios profundos y rápidos.
Centre DEL au Benin La mission du CDEL est de ‘’contribuer à l’amélioration des performances des acteurs économiques (artisans, entrepreneurs, chercheurs d’emploi) de la commune de Cotonou en concertation avec les pouvoirs publics pour obtenir une croissance plus forte de l’économie, réduire la pauvreté et atteindre les objectifs partagés avec les pouvoirs publics locaux’’. Fort de son expertise dans le développement économique local, construite patiemment à travers des actions concrètes, le CDEL a décidé ces trois dernières années, de lever les limites territoriales qui le bloquaient afin d’élargir sa zone d’intervention. C’est dire que le CDEL peut intervenir dans tout le Bénin. Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le CDEL est doté d’une équipe technique composée de consultants-formateurs émérites dont le souci majeur est la satisfaction du client et qui ont à cœur les valeurs de l’organisation : Professionnalisme, Crédibilité et Disponibilité.
Développement économique local et compétitivité territoriale en Amérique latine Le présent article porte sur le fait que, dans un univers de plus en plus mondialisé, les gouvernements locaux et régionaux d'Amérique latine doivent relever de nouveaux défis, notamment créer ou améliorer les capacités compétitives et transformer les systèmes de production locaux. Ces deux aspects doivent être liés aux politiques territoriales et, plus précisément, au développement d'une culture territoriale qui intègre les deux. Certes, ce sont les entreprises qui se font concurrence, mais leur capacité à cet effet peut être renforcée si l'environnement territorial facilite cette dynamique et si elles aussi perçoivent l'importance d'être des entreprises "du territoire" plutôt que des entreprises "dans le territoire". Néanmoins, cette aspiration se heurte à l'existence de territoires inégalement préparés à relever ces défis, ce qui suppose des types d'intervention distincts en termes de politiques publiques locales et régionales visant à améliorer leur capacité compétitive.
Développement économique local - L’État, l’économie et la société civile main dans la main Réduire la pauvreté et améliorer les conditions de vie de l’ensemble de la population par le biais d’une stratégie axée sur le développement économique et social, tel est le but du développement économique local (DEL). Celui-ci décrit une approche globale par laquelle l’État, l’économie privée et la société civile s’engagent dans une collaboration visant à élaborer puis à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de développement régional.
Stratégies de Développement en Guinée Présentation des stratégies de développement adoptées en Guinée en faveur des pauvres. Il s'agit des stratégies à des niveaux différents, au niveau national (croissance en faveur des pauvres et partenariat public-privé), au niveau régional/local (DEL), au niveau des filières (développement des chaînes de valeur) et au niveau des entreprises (approche participative de cycles de 6 mois de services d'appui aux entreprises). Les approches ne s'excluent pas l'une l'autre, mais sont complémentaires et peuvent être appliquées selon vos domaines d'intervention.
LIVRE BLANC / Tunisie La révolution du 14 janvier 2011 a projeté au premier plan la question des écarts de développement entre les régions. Durant plusieurs décennies, des régions entières de la Tunisie ont été écartées du processus de développement national qui s’est construit essentiellement sur le littoral. Des territoires entiers de l’intérieur du pays sont restés enfermés dans leur vocation économique traditionnelle qui les a condamnés à la stagnation. L’un des devoirs majeurs, que doivent remplir les autorités publiques, consiste à corriger les déséquilibres régionaux grâce à l’impulsion d’une dynamique de convergence entre les régions. Le développement régional est le moyen privilégié de relever ces défis. Il a pour objectif d’accroître le potentiel socio-économique et environnemental, et la compétitivité des régions dans le but d’améliorer le niveau et la qualité de vie de population. A cet égard, il favorise une dynamique de développement équilibré, et l’atténuation voire l’élimination des disparités régionales. Par disparités régionales, il faut entendre les disparités de développement économique, social et environnemental d’une ampleur telle qu’elles sont perçues par la société comme étant insoutenables. Pour poser les fondements d’une nouvelle stratégie de lutte contre ces disparités, ce rapport présente une réflexion d’ensemble sur une nouvelle politique de développement régional.
Public-Private Partnerships: A Key Tool for Consolidating Social Dialogue at the Local Level The focus of this thematic brief is on PPP that emerge locally -at sub-national level like in districts or municipalities- and that are development oriented. It argues that PPP consolidates local social dialogue, which enhances at its turn the development potential of localities.
Labour oriented participation in municipalities: How decentralized social dialogue can benefit the urban economy and its sectors With the continuous trend towards decentralization, a growing number of local authorities and/or other urban actors have engaged in labour-related participation. Yet, there is a need to analyse what has been done, to contrast the labour-related experiences with participatory experiences in other fields (sanitation, housing, etc.) as well as to analyse the value-added of a labour-related approach. These are issues addressed by this paper.
Mainstreaming Gender in Local Economic Development Strategies: A Guide This guide is designed to assist LED practitioners – staff from international organizations, international development agencies and local authorities– in identifying and addressing the sometimes different needs and priorities of women and men, facilitating their full participation at every stage of the LED process, and contributing to gender equality objectives and outcomes. Using this guide will enable practitioners to: understand why gender equality should be pursued at the local level; be aware of the barriers to women’s participation that may be encountered; and identify and implement strategies for addressing gender concerns throughout the LED process. Since gender mainstreaming should be context-specific, the recommendations made must be considered as indicative guidelines rather than recipes for action. Under each section, reference is made to tools, further readings and checklists that can be used in project design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
Sixth International Summer Academy on Local Economic Development 2010 You are a practitioner in local or regional economic development. You work in or with a government, a development agency, a business association, a NGO or donor agency, and your task is to promote economic development and local innovation systems at the level of local or regional territories. If you feel that this describes your situation, you should consider to participate in the Summer Academy on LED that will be organized by mesopartner from 26th to 30th July in Duisburg, Germany.
Recommended Reading on the Global Economic Crisis
Milestones in a process of innovation, change and development TheDr. Jörg-Meyer Stamer 50th Birthday Anthology
Promoting Employment Through Enterprise Development: The Ghana Decent Work Country Programme and Local Economic Development Initiative In 2003, the International Labour Organisation (ILO) launched the Ghana Decent Work Pilot Programme (GDWPP) to combat "decent work deficits", especially in the informal economy, through participatory development strategies at both the national and local levels. Such deficits manifest themselves through inadequate employment opportunities, low productivity and earnings as well as the absence of social and legal protection, among others, in the sector. By 2007, the Initiative had grown beyond a pilot into the Ghana Decent Work Country Programme (GDWCP). At the national level, the ILO worked with the Ghana Employers Associations, (GEA), the Ghana Trades Union Congress (TUC) and the Ministry of Employment and Social Welfare to build consensus towards mainstreaming employment and decent work in the Ghana Poverty Reduction Strategy (GPRS). At the district level, a Local Economic Development (LED) Initiative involving the public, private and civic sectors was launched on a pilot basis in the Central Region with emphasis on informal economy operators to raise their productivity and incomes and ultimately reduce poverty
ILO Local Development for Decent Work This Local Development and Decent Work (LDDW) Resource Kit was conceived and developed in the framework of the Philippine National Action Plan for Decent Work (2002-2005) that was adopted by the Philippine Government, employers’ organizations and trade unions in 2001.The LDDW Resource Kit is a collection of easy-to-use tools, designed to help development planners and practitioners make better choices, integrating decent work issues into local planning and implementation frameworks. It deals with a wide range of topics concerning local economic growth, job creation and job preservation, improvement of the quality of jobs, making local development benefit the poor, ensuring equal opportunities for all, protection of rights, and promotion of voice, representation and social dialogue in local governance.
Enterprise for Pro-poor growth project Manuals, documents, reports from an LED project in Sri Lanka.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development
Report on February Seminar on The aim of the seminar was to 1) share ideas and experiences about Local Economic Development between diverse groups of participants, 2) to link concepts and action>research agendas on LED to the various experiences and 3) to deepen our understanding on LED issues related to governance.
Diagnóstico de la situación del Desarrollo Económico Territorial y el Empleo (DETE) en Chile El paper discute si las actuales políticas de apoyo a la innovación van en la línea también de poder contribuir al desarrollo económico y al empleo en los territorios.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See for more information and registration form.
Local Economic Development in Sri Lanka This is an LED story of a Forum Theatre experience by Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Local Economic Development in Polonnaruwa district, Sri Lanka A Case Study as part of the Good Practice LED Cases in South Asia, commissioned by International Labour Organisation.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
The Interaction between Local Employment Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
mesopartner Summer Academy on Local Economic Development mesopartner's LED Summer Academy is an event that targets experienced LED practitioners. It offers an option to update know-how and share experience. The number of participants is limited to 25.
Local Development for Decent Work This booklet is one of six parts to that kit, serving as a gateway into ILO expertise and knowledge on the regional priority area of local development for decent work. It explains in a brief and user-friendly manner why this is a regional priority, the issues it addresses and how the ILO can help its social partners, detailing the available approaches, strategies and tools and possible partnerships. Where applicable, examples of good practices or adaptable projects are included.
Implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) A case study on the implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) by Aspire, the Amathole Local Economic Development Agency. AREDS is one of the more succesful LED processes in South Africa and has attracted a lot of attention (even up to and favourably mentioned by the previous President Thabo Mbeki). It is an example of the application of the Genesis Methodology for Regional Economic Strategy Development, that the GTZ-SLGP’s LED component in collaboration with mesopartner has developed. The Genesis methodology has also been endorsed by the national Department of Provincial and Local Government and the Department of Trade and Industry.
Inter Agency Conference on Local Economic Development The Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development (LED) took place from 22 to 24 October 2008 at the ILO’s International Training Centre (ITC) in Turin, Italy. The conference was attended by some 130 participants from 50 countries and among these representatives from different United Nations agencies, bilateral development agencies, local governments, non-governmental organisations and indigenous peoples organisations
5th Annual United Nations' Web4Dev conference: Innovation for Access The Fifth Annual United Nations’ Web4Dev conference, hosted by UNICEF in 2009, will bring together global thought leaders and innovators from the United Nations, academia, the development and private sectors to focus on the importance of strategic partnerships, innovation and new technology for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
Realising Urban Potential: Are donors keeping pace with rapid urbanisation? For the first time in history, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. Urbanisation is taking place on a massive scale in low- and middle-income nations, and around 60% of the worls's people are expected to be living in cities in 2030. Urbanisation is characterised by the massive expansion of informal settlements and strains on existing urban work, land, services and infrastructure. For example, the number of people living in slums has doubled in India in the past 20 years and is now greater than the entire population of Britain. The ODI is commited to investigate the linkages between social inclusion, urbanisation and economic growth. Here you may find a sample of these and the link to their special blog page.
Strategies of city-to-city co-operation for economic revitalization "STRATEGIES OF CITY-TO-CITY-CO-OPERATION FOR ECONOMIC REVITALISATION", Seville, Spain 1 -3 April 2009 in collaboration with the ILO (International Labour Organisation). How to measure and improve the economic impact of city collaboration versus city competition. International Seminar addressed only to local government decision makers. Now opened for submission of experiences to present during the seminar. Contact us for more information, selected cities will be granted with travel and accommodation. Sponsored by the Seville Local Development Agency (Sevilla Global). "ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRE CIUDADES PARA LA REVITALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA", Sevilla, España 1 - 3 Abril 2009, en colaboración con la OIT (Organización Internacional del Trabajo) destinado a mejorar y medir el impacto económico de la cooperación entre gobiernos locales. Seminario Internacional dirigido únicamente a miembros de gobiernos locales. Abierto el periodo de inscripciones y selección de experiencias. Financiado por Sevilla Global, Agencia de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Las ciudades elegidas dispondrán de una beca de viaje y alojamiento.
Building Strong Partnerships with the Private Sector for Better Jobs and Inclusion Public sector institutions increasingly understand that working with business at the local level is crucial for promoting quality jobs and social inclusion. Localities are gearing education and training to business needs. Some regions are upgrading local skills demand, working with business to improve productivity thus increasing the availability of good quality jobs. A collective response is required from industry, government, educational institutions, trade unions and community.
Decent Work through Local Economic Development, Ghana This employment-focused project in Ghana will replicate a model for public-private dialogue and economic planning at districts level. The project will also contribute to knowledge development and capacity building to make policies addressing informality and poverty more effective. The project office is based in Accra.
Globalization, Local Development and Emerging Powers. The Role of Innovation Policies. The conference, organised by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, Italy, is intended to disentangle the role of innovation policies in exploring opportunities and threats posed by globalisation processes for local production systems, with particular reference to Emerging Powers (EPs). Deadline for papers to be submitted for discussion during the conference is Wednesday the 31st of December, 2008. Please refer to the .pdf in attachment for further information.
RadioDEL RadioDEL es un programa de podcast español sobre DEL
Local Economic Development Network of African (LEDNA) A new one stop shop for local economic development information and networking, and which gives access to free, peer checked LED knowledge and to local economic development networks in Africa and globally. The online platform comprises resources on the concept of LED, guidelines on “how to make LED work” and examples of best practice, listed by region or by thematic area. For more details please take a look at the portal, register in and download LED tools, methods and project documents for free, start sharing your knowledge and getting in contact with the worldwide community of LED practitioners!
LED Radio: Globalisation and the Importance of Place The LED Radio is an innovative methodology that has been employed in the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on LED, to discuss a current issue: globalisation, and its impact on poverty reduction strategies, the role of local economies and territorial competition and the future of local economic development strategies. The audience addressed their questions via SMS to the main speakers.
The six thematic Working Groups On the first day the Inter-agency Conference on LED, 22 to 24 October 2008, Turin, discussion around LED kicked off with six theme-specific working groups, involving each participant in a group of choice. The selection of topics was aimed at exploring goverance aspects of LED processes, their economic outcomes and their application to a varied field of socio-economic development practices, ranging from Indigenous People's rights to Value Chains upgrading to Public-Private Dialogue, etc.
South African LED Network The South African LED Network is an association for Local Economic Development in South Africa. The South African LED Network has more than 250 members drawn from local, provincial and national government officials consultants, facilitators and other organizations working on the development of local economies
PACA News 15, April 2008
Creating Prosperous Towns
ILO Database on Poverty, Local Development and Decent Work Electronic data base of 200 publications relevant for LED and poverty reduction. With search function, quick downloads and hyperlinks.
AREA Programme, Argentina -Integrated Support Programme for the Reactivation of Employment in Argentina The AREA Programme is one of the core Technical Cooperation initiatives set up by the ILO in response to the economic and financial crisis in Argentina. It is funded by the Government of Italy and is implemented in association with Italia Lavoro SpA, a technical agency of the Italian Ministry of Labour. The Programme is aimed at providing the Argentinean Government with the technical support for the design and implementation of effective and comprehensive employment and labour market policies and institutions.
LED Story Uruguay: Empowering Micro and Small Enterprises In Uruguay the great majority of enterprises are micro or small. Though national policies have been designed to support enterprises, many of them (especially those located in isolated areas) are still beyond their reach. This story tells how public and private actors can work together to implement a local economic development strategy to provide micro and small entrepreneurs the support they need.
ICT4LED The initiative for this blog was born out of a comment in a resource entry of the platform. We are living in the era of the Knowledge Economy, Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs for Development, User-Created Content, and infinite other codes that describe the phenomenon. But who benefits, and how? How can ICTs help institutions, students or entreprenueurs of young SMEs in remote places, what simpler techonologies can we turn into tools for success, what role for local governments in confronting the digital divide, etc?