Greener jobs and better business for women and men in Southern Costa Rica The Brunca region, which is in Southern Costa Rica, is the country’s richest in terms of biodiversity and natural resources, but also its poorest and most isolated region. With a population consisting mainly of indigenous peoples and farmers, history has not been kind to the women and men from Brunca, who have faced discrimination and exclusion. This also rings true for its economy. It is estimated that some 30 per cent of Brunca’s population of almost 300,000 live below the poverty line (on less than USD 1.25 per day) and more people in Brunca are unemployed than the rest of the country. Access to State-run services is limited and most businesses are small with low productivity in Brunca. The region solely relies on three industries: agriculture, tourism and commerce. With some innovative thinking on how to give women and men greener and better jobs – by using indigenous and local strengths and resources to build and grow business – it has been shown that Brunca and its economy can flourish and inspire others.
Action Research for Co-Development (ARCO) Lab The Local Development Unit of the ARCO Lab synthesizes their main objectives, activities, and services
Conecta DEL ConectaDEL es el Programa Regional de Formación para el Desarrollo Económico Local lanzado en conjunto por el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID) a través del Fondo Multilateral de Inversiones (FOMIN) y Entidades Socias Locales (ESL) en Argentina, Perú y Centroamérica, con miras a ampliarse a Chile y Brasil. ConectaDEL es integrante de la Agenda DEL FOMIN.
Up-scaling Local Economic Development: Lessons from the Ghana Decent Work Programme How can we maximize the institutional and policy impacts of Local Economic Development (LED) projects? The lessons learned from the LED component of the Ghana Decent Work Programme (GDWP) show that LED can have sustainable impact at local and national levels alike. This case studies analyzes the institutional and policy impacts of a local economic development strategy and its success factors.
Factories recovered by workers in Argentina Since the year 2000 the workers in Argentina decided to not leave the factories closed for bankruptcy or because abandoned by their owners, organizing themselves in Cooperatives to retrieve the production. Today 20.000 employees manage more than 300 recovered factories throughout the country, and they are organized into the National Movement of the Recovered Factories (N.M.R.F.). In 2011, thanks to these impacting results of the Movement, the Government of Argentina approved the Reform of the Bankruptcy Law. This Reform facilitates the revitalisation processes of the factories undertaken by the workers and opens the space to large-scale application
Territorial Reviews :: OECD This series offers analysis and policy guidance to national and sub-national governments seeking to strengthen territorial development policies and governance. These reviews are part of a larger body of OECD work on regional development that addresses the territorial dimension of a range of policy challenges, including governance, innovation, urban development and rural policy. This work includes both thematic reports and reports on specific countries or regions.
The role of Cooperatives and Business Associations in Value Chain Development Briefing paper on the role that coops and business associations play in value chain development approaches
Combining Value Chain Development and Local Economic Development Briefing paper on the complementarities between local economic development and value chain development approaches.
Philippines: Boosting entrepreneurship to ease jobs crisis One third of the Philippines population live in poverty, and thousands head out every day to work abroad. The ILO is promoting entrepreneurship as an alternative to hard-to-get wage jobs and migration.
The challenge of getting a job in Cambodia Unemployment in Cambodia is very low, but that’s because the vast majority of the population works in the informal sector. The government hopes ILO-backed job centres will help increase access to decent work.
Geography of Growth : Spatial Economics and Competitiveness This volume is organized as follows. Chapter one address two questions: how has spatial concentration evolved with growth and development, and what are the efficiency implications of too much or too little spatial concentration? This chapter summarizes the various models that analyze growth by geographic concentration and sets the foundation for concepts discussed in later chapters. Chapter two focuses on urbanization in geographies. Chapter three correlates urban presence with economic density in developed and developing countries. It initially focuses on how urban transition and growth are blurring the rural-urban divide and the unprecedented volume of people who are moving to urban areas. Chapter four discusses how different industries inhabit and impact various urban sectors. Chapter five contextualizes urban growth in the current technological landscape as innovation, particularly in information technology, has become critical to increasing productivity and consequently growth. Chapter six further analyzes urbanization in the current global context, specifically, the impact of globalization and industry clusters on urbanization. Chapter seven addresses a current fundamental global trend: why has urbanization been growing rapidly since the 1950s? Some theories suggest that it is industry that spurs urbanization and consequently growth in infrastructure; however this is not the case. Instead, the chapter concludes by looking at data across regions and cities, the municipalities are pivotal in influencing infrastructure development and growth in urban centers. Finally, chapter eight deciphers why some cities are more successful than others. Why do Karachi and Sao Paulo have the human capital that qualifies them as urban centers but not as thriving cities? By citing examples of successful cities, this chapter provides policy recommendations on how to make a city competitive in today's economy.
A Local Approach for local Jobs?
A MULTI-SECTORAL APPROACH TO DECENT WORK IN THE URBAN ECONOMY This leaflet is about decent work in urban areas. It explains the relevance of a sectoral approach to labour-related challenges in the urban economy and presents the specific contribution of the Sectoral Activities Department of the ILO.
Políticas de Desarrollo Local e Innovación A complete review of the economic development politics to be implemented by a mid-sized town and how to involve the relevant local stakeholders in the process.
Ciudadinnova Este blog pretende hablar de innovación y de desarrollo económico -DEL- desde la administración local. Hablaremos de teoría y de realidades pero también, sobre todo, de qué hacer y cómo hacerlo para impulsar la economía a través de la innovación y el conocimiento en una ciudad mediana en esta era de cambios profundos y rápidos.
Institute for Territorial Economic Development:
News@ILO Monthly update from the ILO in Asia and the Pacific
Breaking out of silos: joining up policy locally In the context of the economic recovery and public budget cuts, policy silos and fragmented short-term policy interventions have become luxuries that our economies can no longer afford. Government intervenes in a myriad of ways at the local level, and rarely are these interventions co-ordinated effectively. Most of us are familiar with policy "silos". Such divisions are often taken for granted, blamed on historical working relationships ("it has always been like that") and organisational cultures ("they don’t work like we do"). However these divisions come at a cost. The issues and challenges facing local communities are often complex, and require a holistic approach to be resolved. This summary presents the findings of a book which provides concrete advice to policy makers at both national and local levels on how to better align policies, reduce duplication and waste, and "do more with less". It is based on comparative analysis of 11 countries in Australisia, Europe and North America and combines rankings on where countries stand in terms of the integration of employment, skills and economic development policies, with concrete examples of successful policy integration on the ground.
Rural-Related Tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas Descriptive leaflets on over 50 ready-to-use tools to stimulate employment and decent work in rural areas, including enterprise and employment support, international labour standards, social protection, social dialogue, and cross-cutting themes, such as youth and gender.
Policy Briefs on Rural Development Action-oriented, synthetic leaflets providing guidance to practitioners on how to make select sectors, technical areas and population groups engines of rural growth, job creation, poverty alleviation, crisis resilience and equitable development.
Expériences de développement local au Maroc Les grandes questions posées par cette étude sont les suivantes : • Comment agir sur le développement local au Maroc ? Quelles pratiques, quelles méthodes, pour quels résultats ? • Quels sont les outils et mécanismes qui permettent de favoriser la concertation - c'est-à-dire le fait de définir, de préparer et de mener ensemble un projet – entre associations locales et pouvoirs publics locaux ? • Comment renforcer les capacités d’intervention des associations, des coopératives, des communes…? • Comment travailler entre associations du Nord et du Sud ? Comment définir et appliquer des pratiques partenariales satisfaisantes pour tous ?
Centre DEL au Benin La mission du CDEL est de ‘’contribuer à l’amélioration des performances des acteurs économiques (artisans, entrepreneurs, chercheurs d’emploi) de la commune de Cotonou en concertation avec les pouvoirs publics pour obtenir une croissance plus forte de l’économie, réduire la pauvreté et atteindre les objectifs partagés avec les pouvoirs publics locaux’’. Fort de son expertise dans le développement économique local, construite patiemment à travers des actions concrètes, le CDEL a décidé ces trois dernières années, de lever les limites territoriales qui le bloquaient afin d’élargir sa zone d’intervention. C’est dire que le CDEL peut intervenir dans tout le Bénin. Pour atteindre ses objectifs, le CDEL est doté d’une équipe technique composée de consultants-formateurs émérites dont le souci majeur est la satisfaction du client et qui ont à cœur les valeurs de l’organisation : Professionnalisme, Crédibilité et Disponibilité.
Développement économique local et compétitivité territoriale en Amérique latine Le présent article porte sur le fait que, dans un univers de plus en plus mondialisé, les gouvernements locaux et régionaux d'Amérique latine doivent relever de nouveaux défis, notamment créer ou améliorer les capacités compétitives et transformer les systèmes de production locaux. Ces deux aspects doivent être liés aux politiques territoriales et, plus précisément, au développement d'une culture territoriale qui intègre les deux. Certes, ce sont les entreprises qui se font concurrence, mais leur capacité à cet effet peut être renforcée si l'environnement territorial facilite cette dynamique et si elles aussi perçoivent l'importance d'être des entreprises "du territoire" plutôt que des entreprises "dans le territoire". Néanmoins, cette aspiration se heurte à l'existence de territoires inégalement préparés à relever ces défis, ce qui suppose des types d'intervention distincts en termes de politiques publiques locales et régionales visant à améliorer leur capacité compétitive.
Evaluation d'un projet DEL au Malawi Le projet initial s'articule autour de quatre principales composantes :- Composante 1: Intensification de l’entreprenariat (cette composante est intégralement financée par la Banque mondiale pour un montant de 3 millions d’UC) ; Composante 2 : Création de centres de croissance ; Composante 3 : Renforcement des capacités des administrations locales, et Composante 4 : Appui technique et gestion des connaissances.
Développement économique local - L’État, l’économie et la société civile main dans la main Réduire la pauvreté et améliorer les conditions de vie de l’ensemble de la population par le biais d’une stratégie axée sur le développement économique et social, tel est le but du développement économique local (DEL). Celui-ci décrit une approche globale par laquelle l’État, l’économie privée et la société civile s’engagent dans une collaboration visant à élaborer puis à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de développement régional.
Stratégies de Développement en Guinée Présentation des stratégies de développement adoptées en Guinée en faveur des pauvres. Il s'agit des stratégies à des niveaux différents, au niveau national (croissance en faveur des pauvres et partenariat public-privé), au niveau régional/local (DEL), au niveau des filières (développement des chaînes de valeur) et au niveau des entreprises (approche participative de cycles de 6 mois de services d'appui aux entreprises). Les approches ne s'excluent pas l'une l'autre, mais sont complémentaires et peuvent être appliquées selon vos domaines d'intervention.
L'économie sociale au Maghreb Au Maghreb, Économie Sociale rime avec développement local, création d’emploi, créateurs d’entreprise, prestation de services sociaux de base ou insertion de personnes en situation d’exclusion sociale. Ce document, qui regroupe deux rapports élaborés par des experts du Maroc et de Tunisie en 2007, présente une image de la situation de l’Économie Sociale dans ces deux pays du Maghreb.
La economía social en el Magreb Hablar de Economía Social en el Magreb es hablar de desarrollo local, de creación de empleo, de emprendedores, de prestación de servicios sociales básicos o de inserción de personas que se encuentran en exclusión social. Este documento, que recopila dos informes elaborados por expertos de Marruecos y Túnez durante el año 2007, nos ofrece una “fotografía” de la situación de la Economía Social en estos dos países Magrebíes.
LIVRE BLANC / Tunisie La révolution du 14 janvier 2011 a projeté au premier plan la question des écarts de développement entre les régions. Durant plusieurs décennies, des régions entières de la Tunisie ont été écartées du processus de développement national qui s’est construit essentiellement sur le littoral. Des territoires entiers de l’intérieur du pays sont restés enfermés dans leur vocation économique traditionnelle qui les a condamnés à la stagnation. L’un des devoirs majeurs, que doivent remplir les autorités publiques, consiste à corriger les déséquilibres régionaux grâce à l’impulsion d’une dynamique de convergence entre les régions. Le développement régional est le moyen privilégié de relever ces défis. Il a pour objectif d’accroître le potentiel socio-économique et environnemental, et la compétitivité des régions dans le but d’améliorer le niveau et la qualité de vie de population. A cet égard, il favorise une dynamique de développement équilibré, et l’atténuation voire l’élimination des disparités régionales. Par disparités régionales, il faut entendre les disparités de développement économique, social et environnemental d’une ampleur telle qu’elles sont perçues par la société comme étant insoutenables. Pour poser les fondements d’une nouvelle stratégie de lutte contre ces disparités, ce rapport présente une réflexion d’ensemble sur une nouvelle politique de développement régional.
Formulação da Plataforma Nacional de Desenvolvimento Económico Local (DEL) As organizações locais, a comunidade empresarial local e os governos locais são os principais intervenientes no Desenvolvimento Económico Local. No entanto, os seus esforços devem estar harmonizados com as políticas nacionais, com as metas globais de redução da pobreza bem como com os processos de descentralização e globalização. Na sua forma ideal, o DEL reforça as ligações entre as autoridades ao nível nacional e ao nível local. Em Moçambique, a experiência bem sucedida de DEL nas três Províncias nomeadamente, Maputo, Sofala e Manica, estimulou o governo nacional a formular uma Plataforma multi-sectorial de DEL. Foi desenvolvido um quadro institucional para servir de base na replicação da abordagem DEL nas restantes sete províncias do país. Dada a dimensão integrada e territorial do DEL, houve necessidade de se conciliar o quadro institucional de base com a política nacional de DEL com vista a superar os problemas de coordenação e os obstáculos no seu enquadramento jurídico-legal e regulatório. Finalmente, as Agências de Desenvolvimento Económico Local são consideradas instrumentos estratégicos para a implementação do plano de acção quinquenal (2005-2009) do Governo e da Estratégia de Redução da Pobreza Absoluta em Moçambique.
Public-Private Partnerships: A Key Tool for Consolidating Social Dialogue at the Local Level The focus of this thematic brief is on PPP that emerge locally -at sub-national level like in districts or municipalities- and that are development oriented. It argues that PPP consolidates local social dialogue, which enhances at its turn the development potential of localities.
Exportación, calidad y competitividad territorial: El rol de los consorcios de PYMEs El objetivo del presente curso consiste en transferir a los participantes los conocimientos y habilidades necesarios para que puedan ejercer como articuladores de consorcios de PyMEs. Éstos se subdividen en: • Los Consorcios de Exportación, son alianzas voluntarias de empresas cuyo objetivo consiste en promover los bienes y servicios de sus miembros en el extranjero y de facilitar la exportación de sus productos y/o servicios mediante acciones conjuntas. • Los Consorcios de Calidad (o consejos reguladores) representan agrupaciones de productores involucrados en la producción de un mismo producto agroalimentario o artesanal típico; el objetivo de la alianza consiste en potenciar la valorización colectiva y la comercialización de dicho bien tradicional con fuerte vínculo territorial. Para más información, véase:
Green Jobs Learning Forum: Local Strategies and Actions This interagency learning forum is a highly interactive programme designed to support key actors in shaping complementary green jobs strategies at the local, regional and national level. Participants will get to know a range of existing local level best practices and tools and will engage with top-level resource persons. The forum has a strong focus on tailoring lessons learnt to the actual work situations of participants.
Sinergia Regional Chile Sinergia Regional is a network of Chilean universities that provides a space to share resources on decentralization and regional economic and social development. The platform makes available a wide range of resources on issues such as decentralization, human capital, innovation, local and regional planning and cooperation, participatory governance, etc.
Sociedad Civil, participacion y Desarrollo Local INTRODUCCIÓN En Chile, los procesos de Desarrollo Económico Local, no sólo se está intencionando la concurrencia del mayor número de actores que tienen algún grado de influencia en dicho proceso y/o son influidos por éste, sino más bien, es establecer un cambio en el enfoque y/o modelo mental con que dichos actores se desempeñan a nivel del territorio y de sus procesos de carácter económico productivo. Esto implica pasar desde el estadio de lo individual exclusivo a un estadio superior de cooperación y trabajo asociativo que haga posible la existencia de redes de apoyo eficientes, donde la institucionalidad pública expresada fundamentalmente desde el Municipio, juega un rol fundamental ya que es ella, la responsable de movilizar la mayor cantidad de creatividad posible y existente a nivel del territorio, que además, contribuya a la creación de unidades económica productivas y/o de servicios, capaces de satisfacer a nivel territorial, las necesidades de las personas. Por otra parte, la realidad actual en que se desempeñan los Municipios deja de manifiesto la tensión entre el clientelismo político local y las estrategias de desarrollo, orientadas al aumento de la competitividad territorial, concepto también, difuso para un número significativos de Municipios. Por ello, observamos a nivel de la institucionalidad pública una suerte de “Crisis permanente” que deja de manifiesto falencias estratégicas relacionadas entre otros aspectos, con el hecho de tener una mirada de largo plazo respecto del accionar en el territorio que equilibre además, el interés ciudadano de una mejor y/o mayor calidad de vida, con los objetivos políticos coyunturales como puede ser una elección de autoridades locales. Lo anterior, implica fortalecer y/o desarrollar “Sociedad Civil”, es decir, territorios poseedores de organizaciones efectivas y con capacidad de interactuar de forma proactiva con la institucionalidad, y con posibilidad de generar amplios consensos a nivel del territorio.
Backbone Strategy: EC reform of Technical Cooperation We know that keeping abreast of latest European Commission policy is time consuming. So, to lighten your load, has produced a fun video version of The Guidelines on Making Technical Cooperation More Effective. Watch and learn!
Sixth International Summer Academy on Local Economic Development 2010 You are a practitioner in local or regional economic development. You work in or with a government, a development agency, a business association, a NGO or donor agency, and your task is to promote economic development and local innovation systems at the level of local or regional territories. If you feel that this describes your situation, you should consider to participate in the Summer Academy on LED that will be organized by mesopartner from 26th to 30th July in Duisburg, Germany.
RadioDEL: La Brujula de la Competitividad Local Una metodología participativa de gestionar y monitorear iniciativas de desarrollo territorial. Se llama la “Brújula de la Competitividad” y está basada en el Cuadro de Mando Integral (Balanced Scorecard en inglés).
La Brújula de la Competitividad La Brújula de la Competitividad Local es una herramienta para la gestión del desempeño para la competitividad territorial. Se basa en el método del Cuadro de Mando Integral (BSC por su sigla en inglés Balanced Scorecard – CMI en castellano).
Country Briefs: Bangladesh, Cambodia, China, Indonesia, Nepal, Pakistan, The Philippines, and Vietnam
Recommended Reading on the Global Economic Crisis
Local Economic Development in the Tourism Sector in East Java
Case study India: A “Green” Value Chain Development Exercise in Jabalpur The ILO’s “Green Jobs” initiative supports a concerted effort by governments, employers, and trade unions to promote environmentally sustainable jobs and development in a climate-challenged world. It seeks to facilitate a "just transition" that reflects the environmental, economic and social pillars of sustainable development. In support of the initiative, the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with Sub-regional and Country Offices, has initiated demonstration programmes which aim to “contribute to identification and testing of pathways to clean development through the creation of green jobs which reconcile goals for poverty reduction with low greenhouse gas emissions.” In India the first step in the exercise has been the pilot application of a sectoral assessment methodology. The assessment of three high potential clusters, including Jabalpur dairy cluster resulted in identification of high priority interventions that support the green jobs and decent work agenda. A key aspect of the implementation of such interventions is the provision of feedback to the assessment methodology, thus contributing to its further strengthening and refining with a view to the scaling up and replication of the approach.
Case study Nepal: Kamala Irrigation Project
Milestones in a process of innovation, change and development TheDr. Jörg-Meyer Stamer 50th Birthday Anthology
Creating Prosperous Towns How to launch and sustain local economic development in developing and transformation countries.
Building Competitive Rural Locations Local economic development around agriculture and agriprocessing: examples and concepts.
Rapid Appraisal of Local Innovation Systems (RALIS) mesopartner Working Paper #2
Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA) mesopartner Working Paper #1
Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA) mesopartner Working Paper #1
Participatory Appraisal of Competitive Advantage (PACA) mesopartner Working Paper #1
RadioDEL Emprendimiento: Biocombustible para la comunidad local Podcast sobre un emprendimiento local de producción de biocombustible
Desarrollo Territorial en Chile Borrador de trabajo con propuestas programáticas para los candidatos presidenciales en Chile, con aportes de integrantes del Grupo Chile de la Red de Desarrollo Económico Territorial y Empleo para América Latina y El Caribe.
Servicios de Desarrollo Empresarial en America Latina Interview sobre la relación entre DEL y SDE
ICLEI - Local Governments for Sustainability A non-profit association of local governments, ICLEI works worldwide with cities, towns and counties to promote sustainable development. The website provides a comprehensive overview of the 1000+ partners and their programmes, plus a multilingual (EN, FR, PR, SP) resource bank on local sustainable development case studies, initiatives, reports and useful links.
ILO Local Development for Decent Work This Local Development and Decent Work (LDDW) Resource Kit was conceived and developed in the framework of the Philippine National Action Plan for Decent Work (2002-2005) that was adopted by the Philippine Government, employers’ organizations and trade unions in 2001.The LDDW Resource Kit is a collection of easy-to-use tools, designed to help development planners and practitioners make better choices, integrating decent work issues into local planning and implementation frameworks. It deals with a wide range of topics concerning local economic growth, job creation and job preservation, improvement of the quality of jobs, making local development benefit the poor, ensuring equal opportunities for all, protection of rights, and promotion of voice, representation and social dialogue in local governance.
Exportación, calidad y competitividad territorial: El rol de los consorcios de promoción A lo largo del curso a los participantes se les transmitirá un “saber hacer” amplio, práctico y actualizado que permitirá a éstos y/o a sus respectivas instituciones empleadoras innovar la gama de servicios que ofrecen. Se facilitará así avanzar más rápido en la implementación de proyectos de asociación empresarial que ayuden a mejorar la competitividad exterior de las PYMEs.
Enterprise for Pro-poor growth project Manuals, documents, reports from an LED project in Sri Lanka.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development
Strategic Review of Local Economic Development in South Africa Study that looks back and reflects on the last 15 years of LED interventions in South Africa, as well as looking forward at how to deal with 14 key strategic challenges for the implementation of LED in South Africa.
Report on February Seminar on The aim of the seminar was to 1) share ideas and experiences about Local Economic Development between diverse groups of participants, 2) to link concepts and action>research agendas on LED to the various experiences and 3) to deepen our understanding on LED issues related to governance.
Diagnóstico de la situación del Desarrollo Económico Territorial y el Empleo (DETE) en Chile El paper discute si las actuales políticas de apoyo a la innovación van en la línea también de poder contribuir al desarrollo económico y al empleo en los territorios.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See for more information and registration form.
IFAD's Knowledgebase on Rural Poverty A useful collection of insight documents, initiatives, reports, case studies and news on a rich selection of topics related to rural poverty. Material ranges from climate change to rural finance, desertification, land issues and trade liberalisation, and is tackled from the perspective of a variety of sectors and actors (gender, indigenous peoples...) of the rural economy.
Genesis: Strategising Local and Regional Economic Development Genesis is a ‘robust and innovative methodology to define strategic priorities and launch or accelerate a process of transformation in local and regional economic development’. The booklet provides a brief overview of the methodology, target group, key elements and conceptual framework behind Genesis. It was commissioned by the LED component of GTZ's Strengthening Local Governance Programme in South Africa and is endorsed by the South African Department of Provincial and Local Government and the Department of Trade and Industry.
The Interaction between Local Employment Development and Corporate Social Responsibility
LED and the Global Financial Crisis
mesopartner Summer Academy on Local Economic Development mesopartner's LED Summer Academy is an event that targets experienced LED practitioners. It offers an option to update know-how and share experience. The number of participants is limited to 25.
Local Development for Decent Work This booklet is one of six parts to that kit, serving as a gateway into ILO expertise and knowledge on the regional priority area of local development for decent work. It explains in a brief and user-friendly manner why this is a regional priority, the issues it addresses and how the ILO can help its social partners, detailing the available approaches, strategies and tools and possible partnerships. Where applicable, examples of good practices or adaptable projects are included.
Implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) A case study on the implementation of the Amathole Regional Economic Development Strategy (AREDS) by Aspire, the Amathole Local Economic Development Agency. AREDS is one of the more succesful LED processes in South Africa and has attracted a lot of attention (even up to and favourably mentioned by the previous President Thabo Mbeki). It is an example of the application of the Genesis Methodology for Regional Economic Strategy Development, that the GTZ-SLGP’s LED component in collaboration with mesopartner has developed. The Genesis methodology has also been endorsed by the national Department of Provincial and Local Government and the Department of Trade and Industry.
Inter Agency Conference on Local Economic Development The Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development (LED) took place from 22 to 24 October 2008 at the ILO’s International Training Centre (ITC) in Turin, Italy. The conference was attended by some 130 participants from 50 countries and among these representatives from different United Nations agencies, bilateral development agencies, local governments, non-governmental organisations and indigenous peoples organisations
Esquemas de compensación por servicios ecosistémicos Es una presentación que describe aspectos generales de los esquemas de compensación por servicios ofrecidos por lo ecosistemas (también llamados servicios ambientales).
JOY -Job Opportunities for Youth -Newsletter- February 2009 Newsletter of the ILO JOY Project in Indonesia, February 2009
5th Annual United Nations' Web4Dev conference: Innovation for Access The Fifth Annual United Nations’ Web4Dev conference, hosted by UNICEF in 2009, will bring together global thought leaders and innovators from the United Nations, academia, the development and private sectors to focus on the importance of strategic partnerships, innovation and new technology for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
Innovations in poverty reduction: The role of local government This ODI public event addresses the importance of sub-national authorities and governments for poverty reduction. It highlights some lessons learned in Latin America and the UK, drawing implications on their relevance across the development world. You may here find the report and the podcast of the event.
Realising Urban Potential: Are donors keeping pace with rapid urbanisation? For the first time in history, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. Urbanisation is taking place on a massive scale in low- and middle-income nations, and around 60% of the worls's people are expected to be living in cities in 2030. Urbanisation is characterised by the massive expansion of informal settlements and strains on existing urban work, land, services and infrastructure. For example, the number of people living in slums has doubled in India in the past 20 years and is now greater than the entire population of Britain. The ODI is commited to investigate the linkages between social inclusion, urbanisation and economic growth. Here you may find a sample of these and the link to their special blog page.
World Development Report 2009 2008. Paul Krugman is awarded the Nobel Price in Economics for his work in Economic Geography. Enduring inter-regional inequalities suggest policy makers that perhaps the world is not flat afterall. The 2009 WDR is dedicated to Economic Geography. World Bank's yearly review of world economic trends and policy direction places space very firmly in the development spotlight, outlining how countries can speed up their own development by 'reshaping economic geography'. The controversial argument behind the analysis is axled on the assumption that growth will always be unbalanced and successful development requires spatial concentration.
Strategies of city-to-city co-operation for economic revitalization "STRATEGIES OF CITY-TO-CITY-CO-OPERATION FOR ECONOMIC REVITALISATION", Seville, Spain 1 -3 April 2009 in collaboration with the ILO (International Labour Organisation). How to measure and improve the economic impact of city collaboration versus city competition. International Seminar addressed only to local government decision makers. Now opened for submission of experiences to present during the seminar. Contact us for more information, selected cities will be granted with travel and accommodation. Sponsored by the Seville Local Development Agency (Sevilla Global). "ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRE CIUDADES PARA LA REVITALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA", Sevilla, España 1 - 3 Abril 2009, en colaboración con la OIT (Organización Internacional del Trabajo) destinado a mejorar y medir el impacto económico de la cooperación entre gobiernos locales. Seminario Internacional dirigido únicamente a miembros de gobiernos locales. Abierto el periodo de inscripciones y selección de experiencias. Financiado por Sevilla Global, Agencia de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Las ciudades elegidas dispondrán de una beca de viaje y alojamiento.
Building Strong Partnerships with the Private Sector for Better Jobs and Inclusion Public sector institutions increasingly understand that working with business at the local level is crucial for promoting quality jobs and social inclusion. Localities are gearing education and training to business needs. Some regions are upgrading local skills demand, working with business to improve productivity thus increasing the availability of good quality jobs. A collective response is required from industry, government, educational institutions, trade unions and community.
Decent Work through Local Economic Development, Ghana This employment-focused project in Ghana will replicate a model for public-private dialogue and economic planning at districts level. The project will also contribute to knowledge development and capacity building to make policies addressing informality and poverty more effective. The project office is based in Accra.
Globalization, Local Development and Emerging Powers. The Role of Innovation Policies. The conference, organised by the Department of Economics of the University of Bologna, Italy, is intended to disentangle the role of innovation policies in exploring opportunities and threats posed by globalisation processes for local production systems, with particular reference to Emerging Powers (EPs). Deadline for papers to be submitted for discussion during the conference is Wednesday the 31st of December, 2008. Please refer to the .pdf in attachment for further information.
RadioDEL RadioDEL es un programa de podcast español sobre DEL
The Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project Good Governance is one of the strong points of LED policies, as well as key element in the process of LED. WGI is a World Bank initiative that compiles aggregate and individual governance indicators for 212 countries and territories over the period 1996–2007. These data are organized by the Worldbank in six dimensions and gathered from surveys provided by a number of survey institutes, think tanks, non-governmental organizations, and international organizations in both industrial and developing countries collecting views on the quality of governance by a large number of enterprises, citizens and experts.
Local Economic Development Network of African (LEDNA) A new one stop shop for local economic development information and networking, and which gives access to free, peer checked LED knowledge and to local economic development networks in Africa and globally. The online platform comprises resources on the concept of LED, guidelines on “how to make LED work” and examples of best practice, listed by region or by thematic area. For more details please take a look at the portal, register in and download LED tools, methods and project documents for free, start sharing your knowledge and getting in contact with the worldwide community of LED practitioners!
LED Radio: Globalisation and the Importance of Place The LED Radio is an innovative methodology that has been employed in the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on LED, to discuss a current issue: globalisation, and its impact on poverty reduction strategies, the role of local economies and territorial competition and the future of local economic development strategies. The audience addressed their questions via SMS to the main speakers.
COOP News Letter No. 3 2008
Territorial Competitiveness and Local Economic Development –Desarrollo Económico Local y Competitividad Territorial. In the Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development, held in Turin from the 22-24 of October, a session was dedicated to initiatives in Latin America that aim at increasing territorial competitiveness. The three speakers, Carlos López Cerdán (UNIDO consultant), Pablo Costamanga (Director FOMIN, IADB), and Cristina Orellana (General Manager of SERCOTEC) presented three different paths to improved specialisation, production and marketing of a territory.
The six thematic Working Groups On the first day the Inter-agency Conference on LED, 22 to 24 October 2008, Turin, discussion around LED kicked off with six theme-specific working groups, involving each participant in a group of choice. The selection of topics was aimed at exploring goverance aspects of LED processes, their economic outcomes and their application to a varied field of socio-economic development practices, ranging from Indigenous People's rights to Value Chains upgrading to Public-Private Dialogue, etc.
Information and Communication Technology for LED/ Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación para el DEL. In the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development, held at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, and dating 22-24 October 2008, one session was dedicated to the link between ICT and LED. In attachment you may find the outputs to the discussion as drafted by each expert.
READER Inter-agency conference on LED/ Revista de la Conferencia Interinstitucional sobre DEL We are pleased to announce that the 5th Issue of the @local.glob journal, dedicated to the Inter-agency Conference on Local Economic Development (Turin, Italy, 22-24 October 2008) is now available.
Emprendimientos para pueblos indígenas
Academy on Building Competitive Local Economies in Asia mesopartner is organizing the First Academy on Building Competitive Local Economies in Asia. The Asia Academy for an English-speaking audience will take place from 1 to 5 December 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The number participants is limited to 25. For any further questions or regarding the registration please directly contact mesopartner at or have a look at Additionally, you may also check out the mesopartner website for more details and information on previous Academies on Local Economic Development.
ICT4LED The initiative for this blog was born out of a comment in a resource entry of the platform. We are living in the era of the Knowledge Economy, Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs for Development, User-Created Content, and infinite other codes that describe the phenomenon. But who benefits, and how? How can ICTs help institutions, students or entreprenueurs of young SMEs in remote places, what simpler techonologies can we turn into tools for success, what role for local governments in confronting the digital divide, etc?