Indigenous crafts of Cambodia This catalogue features products created by indigenous peoples in Cambodia - products made for their daily use but also designed for a wider market.
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
Creando valor nuevo a partir del conocimiento ancestral Síntesis de la contribución de FIA a la innovación de los pueblos indígenas en Chile, incluye descripción de algunas iniciativas como también lecciones aprendidas y recomendaciones.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See for more information and registration form.
IFAD's Knowledgebase on Rural Poverty A useful collection of insight documents, initiatives, reports, case studies and news on a rich selection of topics related to rural poverty. Material ranges from climate change to rural finance, desertification, land issues and trade liberalisation, and is tackled from the perspective of a variety of sectors and actors (gender, indigenous peoples...) of the rural economy.
Local Development for Decent Work This booklet is one of six parts to that kit, serving as a gateway into ILO expertise and knowledge on the regional priority area of local development for decent work. It explains in a brief and user-friendly manner why this is a regional priority, the issues it addresses and how the ILO can help its social partners, detailing the available approaches, strategies and tools and possible partnerships. Where applicable, examples of good practices or adaptable projects are included.
Inter Agency Conference on Local Economic Development The Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development (LED) took place from 22 to 24 October 2008 at the ILO’s International Training Centre (ITC) in Turin, Italy. The conference was attended by some 130 participants from 50 countries and among these representatives from different United Nations agencies, bilateral development agencies, local governments, non-governmental organisations and indigenous peoples organisations
Principles for working with Indigenous Peoples in Local Economic Development Power Point Presentation on principles for working with Indigenous Peoples in Local Economic Development, infull accordance with the principles and articles of ILO Convention No.169
Indigenous and Tribal peoples: an ethnic audit of selected poverty reduction strategy papers Since 1999, the Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers (PRSPs) have become the overallframework for lending, debt relief and development cooperation in low-income countries.The PSRP process is intended to be open and participatory and to reach out to “traditionally marginalized groups”. The related guidelines, however, are silent on involving indigenous and tribal peoples. The goal of the audit is to ascertain whether and how the rights, needs andaspirations of indigenous and tribal peoples have been taken into account and whether they have been involved in the consultations leading to the formulation of PRSPs.
The six thematic Working Groups On the first day the Inter-agency Conference on LED, 22 to 24 October 2008, Turin, discussion around LED kicked off with six theme-specific working groups, involving each participant in a group of choice. The selection of topics was aimed at exploring goverance aspects of LED processes, their economic outcomes and their application to a varied field of socio-economic development practices, ranging from Indigenous People's rights to Value Chains upgrading to Public-Private Dialogue, etc.