Tracking development: Katine, Uganda-It starts with a village The Katine project: In October 2007, the Guardian newspaper began tracking a development project implemented by Amref in Katine, north-east Uganda. The full-time coverage of the project has now ended, but The Guardian will be returning to the sub-county over the next few years to monitor how the community fares after Amref withdraws.
Toolkit on poverty reduction and tourism The theme of this toolkit is the ways in which tourism can be a driver of poverty reduction. Local/rural communities and small enterprises are the primary target group. The toolkit is organized around five modular chapters. 1. The tourism industry and poverty reduction – general overview 2. Human resources, decent work and social dialogue 3. Promotion and marketing in tourism 4. Tourism market 5. Tourism business
Manual de elaboración de proyectos El manual brinda orientaciones prácticas para que las cooperativas y otros tipos de organizaciones de autoayuda formulen propuestas de proyectos que sean viables desde los puntos de vista econó-mico, social, político y ambiental. Comprende todos los pasos de la elaboración de un proyecto: desde la identificación del problema principal a ser abordado, a la planificación de la ejecución del pro-yecto, el seguimiento y la evaluación.
My.COOP Managing your Agricultural Cooperative - My.COOP - is a training package that aims to strengthen the management of agricultural cooperatives so that they can offer high quality, efficient and effective services to their members.
Evaluation d'un projet DEL au Malawi Le projet initial s'articule autour de quatre principales composantes :- Composante 1: Intensification de l’entreprenariat (cette composante est intégralement financée par la Banque mondiale pour un montant de 3 millions d’UC) ; Composante 2 : Création de centres de croissance ; Composante 3 : Renforcement des capacités des administrations locales, et Composante 4 : Appui technique et gestion des connaissances.
Développement économique local - L’État, l’économie et la société civile main dans la main Réduire la pauvreté et améliorer les conditions de vie de l’ensemble de la population par le biais d’une stratégie axée sur le développement économique et social, tel est le but du développement économique local (DEL). Celui-ci décrit une approche globale par laquelle l’État, l’économie privée et la société civile s’engagent dans une collaboration visant à élaborer puis à mettre en œuvre une stratégie de développement régional.
Stratégies de Développement en Guinée Présentation des stratégies de développement adoptées en Guinée en faveur des pauvres. Il s'agit des stratégies à des niveaux différents, au niveau national (croissance en faveur des pauvres et partenariat public-privé), au niveau régional/local (DEL), au niveau des filières (développement des chaînes de valeur) et au niveau des entreprises (approche participative de cycles de 6 mois de services d'appui aux entreprises). Les approches ne s'excluent pas l'une l'autre, mais sont complémentaires et peuvent être appliquées selon vos domaines d'intervention.
LIVRE BLANC / Tunisie La révolution du 14 janvier 2011 a projeté au premier plan la question des écarts de développement entre les régions. Durant plusieurs décennies, des régions entières de la Tunisie ont été écartées du processus de développement national qui s’est construit essentiellement sur le littoral. Des territoires entiers de l’intérieur du pays sont restés enfermés dans leur vocation économique traditionnelle qui les a condamnés à la stagnation. L’un des devoirs majeurs, que doivent remplir les autorités publiques, consiste à corriger les déséquilibres régionaux grâce à l’impulsion d’une dynamique de convergence entre les régions. Le développement régional est le moyen privilégié de relever ces défis. Il a pour objectif d’accroître le potentiel socio-économique et environnemental, et la compétitivité des régions dans le but d’améliorer le niveau et la qualité de vie de population. A cet égard, il favorise une dynamique de développement équilibré, et l’atténuation voire l’élimination des disparités régionales. Par disparités régionales, il faut entendre les disparités de développement économique, social et environnemental d’une ampleur telle qu’elles sont perçues par la société comme étant insoutenables. Pour poser les fondements d’une nouvelle stratégie de lutte contre ces disparités, ce rapport présente une réflexion d’ensemble sur une nouvelle politique de développement régional.
Mid-term evaluation of UN Joint Programme “MOBILIZATION OF THE DAHSHOUR WORLD HERITAGE SITE FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Mid-term evaluation report of the One UN Joint Programme on the "Mobilization of the Dahshour world heritage site for community development", which is supported by the Spanish MDG-Fund.
The Blue Sweater Story The Blue Sweater is the inspiring memoir by Jacqueline Novogratz, Acumen Fund's founder and CEO, who has spent her life on a quest to understand global poverty and to find powerful new ways of tackling it.
Mainstreaming Gender in Local Economic Development Strategies: A Guide This guide is designed to assist LED practitioners – staff from international organizations, international development agencies and local authorities– in identifying and addressing the sometimes different needs and priorities of women and men, facilitating their full participation at every stage of the LED process, and contributing to gender equality objectives and outcomes. Using this guide will enable practitioners to: understand why gender equality should be pursued at the local level; be aware of the barriers to women’s participation that may be encountered; and identify and implement strategies for addressing gender concerns throughout the LED process. Since gender mainstreaming should be context-specific, the recommendations made must be considered as indicative guidelines rather than recipes for action. Under each section, reference is made to tools, further readings and checklists that can be used in project design, implementation, and monitoring and evaluation.
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
Backbone Strategy: EC reform of Technical Cooperation We know that keeping abreast of latest European Commission policy is time consuming. So, to lighten your load, has produced a fun video version of The Guidelines on Making Technical Cooperation More Effective. Watch and learn!
Sixth International Summer Academy on Local Economic Development 2010 You are a practitioner in local or regional economic development. You work in or with a government, a development agency, a business association, a NGO or donor agency, and your task is to promote economic development and local innovation systems at the level of local or regional territories. If you feel that this describes your situation, you should consider to participate in the Summer Academy on LED that will be organized by mesopartner from 26th to 30th July in Duisburg, Germany.
The Enter-Growth Project Sri Lanka The ILO Enterprise for pro-poor growth project (Enter-Growth, 2005-2009) has had significant success in achieving local economic development in four Sri Lankan Districts. A major aspect of Enter-Growth's success is to have facilitated systemic changes in the markets that poor people interact with, which in turn has led to wider and more sustainable impact. To do this, Enter-Growth has followed a market development approach. Enter-Growth is, in fact, one of only a few pioneering projects internationally, which has attempted to deliver a more systemic approach to private sector development.
Local Economic Development in the Tourism Sector in East Java
Case study India: A “Green” Value Chain Development Exercise in Jabalpur The ILO’s “Green Jobs” initiative supports a concerted effort by governments, employers, and trade unions to promote environmentally sustainable jobs and development in a climate-challenged world. It seeks to facilitate a "just transition" that reflects the environmental, economic and social pillars of sustainable development. In support of the initiative, the ILO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, in collaboration with Sub-regional and Country Offices, has initiated demonstration programmes which aim to “contribute to identification and testing of pathways to clean development through the creation of green jobs which reconcile goals for poverty reduction with low greenhouse gas emissions.” In India the first step in the exercise has been the pilot application of a sectoral assessment methodology. The assessment of three high potential clusters, including Jabalpur dairy cluster resulted in identification of high priority interventions that support the green jobs and decent work agenda. A key aspect of the implementation of such interventions is the provision of feedback to the assessment methodology, thus contributing to its further strengthening and refining with a view to the scaling up and replication of the approach.
Case study Vietnam: Pro-active Responses of Vinh Phuc and Binh Duong Provinces to Address the Fall in Foreign Direct Investment and Market Demandietnam National Case Study
Enterprise for Pro-poor growth project Manuals, documents, reports from an LED project in Sri Lanka.
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development
Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development Sub-Regional Conference on Local Economic Development in South and South-East Asia 16-17 June 2009 in Colombo, Sri Lanka. Organisers: ILO Enter-Growth and ILO ITC in collaboration with Gtz , USAid, Asia Foundation and the Ministry of Enterprise Development and Investment Promotion. This conference invites LED practitioners in the region to not only share experiences but to identify the key challenges for LED in the region as well as discuss lessons learnt in different locations. Practical examples of LED approaches and results, such as public-private dialogue, employment creation and decent work, more competitive business and financial services, and how to create a vibrant business environment, will be presented and discussed. The programme also includes discussions on how LED can be an effective response to the economic crisis. The conference will have a forward looking approach, encouraging the participants to identify actions to bring LED up a level in the region. Projects/organisations with LED approach in the region are invited to participate in the conference and present their LED experiences. The conference will provide an excellent opportunity to meet with other LED projects in the region, get new insights in and increased knowledge of LED. See for more information and registration form.
Local Economic Development in Sri Lanka This is an LED story of a Forum Theatre experience by Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Local Economic Development in Polonnaruwa district, Sri Lanka A Case Study as part of the Good Practice LED Cases in South Asia, commissioned by International Labour Organisation.
Social Marketing Campaign in Sri Lanka This is a case study of a social marketing campaign conducted by Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO).
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
Value Chain Development for more Competitiveness and Decent Work This booklet summarises the main findings and proposals of a value chain initiative in one province in Sri Lanka organised by the Enter-Growth project of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) and key stakeholders in the value chain.
IFAD's Knowledgebase on Rural Poverty A useful collection of insight documents, initiatives, reports, case studies and news on a rich selection of topics related to rural poverty. Material ranges from climate change to rural finance, desertification, land issues and trade liberalisation, and is tackled from the perspective of a variety of sectors and actors (gender, indigenous peoples...) of the rural economy.
mesopartner Summer Academy on Local Economic Development mesopartner's LED Summer Academy is an event that targets experienced LED practitioners. It offers an option to update know-how and share experience. The number of participants is limited to 25.
Inter Agency Conference on Local Economic Development The Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development (LED) took place from 22 to 24 October 2008 at the ILO’s International Training Centre (ITC) in Turin, Italy. The conference was attended by some 130 participants from 50 countries and among these representatives from different United Nations agencies, bilateral development agencies, local governments, non-governmental organisations and indigenous peoples organisations
5th Annual United Nations' Web4Dev conference: Innovation for Access The Fifth Annual United Nations’ Web4Dev conference, hosted by UNICEF in 2009, will bring together global thought leaders and innovators from the United Nations, academia, the development and private sectors to focus on the importance of strategic partnerships, innovation and new technology for achieving the Millennium Development Goals.
Innovations in poverty reduction: The role of local government This ODI public event addresses the importance of sub-national authorities and governments for poverty reduction. It highlights some lessons learned in Latin America and the UK, drawing implications on their relevance across the development world. You may here find the report and the podcast of the event.
Realising Urban Potential: Are donors keeping pace with rapid urbanisation? For the first time in history, more than half of the world's population lives in urban areas. Urbanisation is taking place on a massive scale in low- and middle-income nations, and around 60% of the worls's people are expected to be living in cities in 2030. Urbanisation is characterised by the massive expansion of informal settlements and strains on existing urban work, land, services and infrastructure. For example, the number of people living in slums has doubled in India in the past 20 years and is now greater than the entire population of Britain. The ODI is commited to investigate the linkages between social inclusion, urbanisation and economic growth. Here you may find a sample of these and the link to their special blog page.
World Development Report 2009 2008. Paul Krugman is awarded the Nobel Price in Economics for his work in Economic Geography. Enduring inter-regional inequalities suggest policy makers that perhaps the world is not flat afterall. The 2009 WDR is dedicated to Economic Geography. World Bank's yearly review of world economic trends and policy direction places space very firmly in the development spotlight, outlining how countries can speed up their own development by 'reshaping economic geography'. The controversial argument behind the analysis is axled on the assumption that growth will always be unbalanced and successful development requires spatial concentration.
Strategies of city-to-city co-operation for economic revitalization "STRATEGIES OF CITY-TO-CITY-CO-OPERATION FOR ECONOMIC REVITALISATION", Seville, Spain 1 -3 April 2009 in collaboration with the ILO (International Labour Organisation). How to measure and improve the economic impact of city collaboration versus city competition. International Seminar addressed only to local government decision makers. Now opened for submission of experiences to present during the seminar. Contact us for more information, selected cities will be granted with travel and accommodation. Sponsored by the Seville Local Development Agency (Sevilla Global). "ESTRATEGIAS DE COOPERACIÓN ENTRE CIUDADES PARA LA REVITALIZACIÓN ECONÓMICA", Sevilla, España 1 - 3 Abril 2009, en colaboración con la OIT (Organización Internacional del Trabajo) destinado a mejorar y medir el impacto económico de la cooperación entre gobiernos locales. Seminario Internacional dirigido únicamente a miembros de gobiernos locales. Abierto el periodo de inscripciones y selección de experiencias. Financiado por Sevilla Global, Agencia de Desarrollo Local del Ayuntamiento de Sevilla. Las ciudades elegidas dispondrán de una beca de viaje y alojamiento.
Local Economic Development Network of African (LEDNA) A new one stop shop for local economic development information and networking, and which gives access to free, peer checked LED knowledge and to local economic development networks in Africa and globally. The online platform comprises resources on the concept of LED, guidelines on “how to make LED work” and examples of best practice, listed by region or by thematic area. For more details please take a look at the portal, register in and download LED tools, methods and project documents for free, start sharing your knowledge and getting in contact with the worldwide community of LED practitioners!
ILO Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalization
LED Radio: Globalisation and the Importance of Place The LED Radio is an innovative methodology that has been employed in the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on LED, to discuss a current issue: globalisation, and its impact on poverty reduction strategies, the role of local economies and territorial competition and the future of local economic development strategies. The audience addressed their questions via SMS to the main speakers.
Information and Communication Technology for LED/ Tecnología de la Información y Comunicación para el DEL. In the course of the Inter-Agency Conference on Local Economic Development, held at the International Training Centre of the ILO in Turin, and dating 22-24 October 2008, one session was dedicated to the link between ICT and LED. In attachment you may find the outputs to the discussion as drafted by each expert.
Academy on Building Competitive Local Economies in Asia mesopartner is organizing the First Academy on Building Competitive Local Economies in Asia. The Asia Academy for an English-speaking audience will take place from 1 to 5 December 2008 in Hanoi, Vietnam. The number participants is limited to 25. For any further questions or regarding the registration please directly contact mesopartner at or have a look at Additionally, you may also check out the mesopartner website for more details and information on previous Academies on Local Economic Development.
Cooperatives and the Millennium Development Goals This book examines the role and potential of cooperatives in relation to the eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It draws on the history of different types of cooperatives and describes their current contribution to developed and developing world economies. It analyses their potential future role in poverty reduction, the empowerment of women, the fight against HIV/AIDS, sustainable development and so on. It shows how cooperatives are beginning to get involved in the design and implementation of national poverty reduction strategies, how developed world cooperatives are helping through fair trade, and how cooperative development agencies are delivering pro-poor growth through cooperatives. It challenges governments and international agencies not to overlook the cooperative potential. Ten case studies illustrate in practical terms how cooperatives are contributing to the 'MDGs'. The conclusion provides guidance on how the cooperative movement can increase its visibility and strengthen its contribution to meeting the Millennium Development Goals. Prepared for the ILO Cooperative Branch, the ILO Policy Integration Department and COPAC (Committee for the Promotion and Advancement of Cooperatives).
ICT4LED The initiative for this blog was born out of a comment in a resource entry of the platform. We are living in the era of the Knowledge Economy, Information and Communication Technologies, ICTs for Development, User-Created Content, and infinite other codes that describe the phenomenon. But who benefits, and how? How can ICTs help institutions, students or entreprenueurs of young SMEs in remote places, what simpler techonologies can we turn into tools for success, what role for local governments in confronting the digital divide, etc?