Realizing Local Development in the Carbon Commodity Chain This paper provides an analysis of how local community development is connected to the global carbon economy through the creation of carbon commodities (offset credits) and the role of premium credit certification in assisting in local development. The paper shows that information on local conditions should be focused on political-economic processes and the interactions between actors to nuance the social benefits of carbon credit generation in developing country contexts.
A MULTI-SECTORAL APPROACH TO DECENT WORK IN THE URBAN ECONOMY This leaflet is about decent work in urban areas. It explains the relevance of a sectoral approach to labour-related challenges in the urban economy and presents the specific contribution of the Sectoral Activities Department of the ILO.
Report on LED Nepal Knowledge Sharing Workshop - April 2010
The Enter-Growth Project Sri Lanka The ILO Enterprise for pro-poor growth project (Enter-Growth, 2005-2009) has had significant success in achieving local economic development in four Sri Lankan Districts. A major aspect of Enter-Growth's success is to have facilitated systemic changes in the markets that poor people interact with, which in turn has led to wider and more sustainable impact. To do this, Enter-Growth has followed a market development approach. Enter-Growth is, in fact, one of only a few pioneering projects internationally, which has attempted to deliver a more systemic approach to private sector development.